Poem#55: Seventeen pt.2

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Eight, pretense behind mere maturity
Beyond the mysterious light of playful youth
'Til now, searching for vague reality
Puzzle pieces scattered behind unknown truth

Seven stars of humongous ambition
Vast world filled with critical rumors
Break society's prejudice with such imagination
Freedom in kindness, silencing endless clamor

Six minutes of angelic hope still stands
Will I feel suprising joy like this soon?
Soft voice, will you ever understand?
Opposite times as the sun and the moon

Five nonstop songs under a faltered perspective
Am I be the same person as before?
After being controlled as your captive
After undergoing the pain I've endure

Four seasons of this undetermined fate
Resisted against everyone's opinions
A story every anonymous people create
Depicts resistance behind unseen affliction

Three wishes from the Alladin's lamp
To be free and remain purely satisfied
To gain innermost peac like a forest camp
Accept all flaws and strengths intensified

Two sides seen in black and white
Wonder, which part have you seen?
A person who shines under the light
Or succumbs in fire enriched with gasoline?

One day seen as a combination of both
The true self, imperfect but humane
Time flows with unforeseen growth
Transforming as a black swan again


A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, I wasn't able to upload pt.2 immediately because of personal reasons.

Yes, this is it! This is the surprise I was talking about. A two-part poem of personal struggles I had before. Some of it are straightforward while others have deep meanings. If you'd like to know the meaning behind some stanzas of the poem, feel free to comment down below or message me personally.

Let me tell you a short story behind this book. I've created this book because I'd like to define love in two different perspective: sweet and bitter. In my opinion, it's like there couldn't be love that will remain only sweet 'til the end. There's also no love when you see love bitterly because of your own reasons.

Initially, I've started this book because of someone I know but now I realize that every poem has helped me express my thoughts and emotions freely. It became a hobby for a long time whenever I'm tired or bored, it made me smile whenever I read every positive feedback. This has gave a huge impact on me and made me want to write more.

I'm sorry if I couldn't upload fresh poems everyday. It has became difficult for me to convey meaning using different concepts. I hope you'll understand.

Thank you once again for reaching until this point. If you have any suggestions for my next poems, feel free to comment on the suggestion form on one of sections of this book.

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