Poem#19: Expectations

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We always wished for a knight in shining armor
For us to be saved from the devious dragon
Yet that person we hopelessly seek for
Was just a fantasy we secretly hold on

Undoubtedly, I often raise my level
So that no one could hurt me as well
To raise my self pride, so no one can tell
The foolishness of the actions I compel

I may turn into a cold-hearted fellow
For the consequences I have to face
Because people who put themselves below
Are often those who are likely to be replace

Trapped from people's expectations has locked me up
Expectation turn me into a damsel in distress
Yet tou came, broke these boundaries for me
Became a blessing, looker beyond the filthy mess

In the end, my level of expectations dissapeared
For I realized, no one can reach my expectations
For the man I love has nothing to fear
Now I embrace true happiness beyond imagination

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