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         Toronto. Tuesday, April 3, 1990.

Terry Lippert escorted Phillip and Gary Matheson into Mike's office, closed the door, then took a seat on the couch near Mike's desk.

Matheson, a tall gangling red head, fidgeted nervously as Mike glared at him and Phillip from behind his desk.

Phillip, unconcerned, marched to the couch and prepared to sit beside Lippert.

"Don't even think about sitting down!" Mike shouted.

Phillip bristled as he turned to challenge Mike. "What are you going to do, spank me?" he asked, flashing a defiant smirk.

"Go ahead. Sit down and watch what happens," Mike warned.

Phillip resisted the temptation.

Mike leaned forward and placed both forearms on his desk. "In case you two don't know why I asked Terry to bring you here this morning, let me tell you. We've recently received telephone calls from a number of our customers who were anxious to complain about discrepancies in their credit card statements. We initiated an investigation to determine why the discrepancies existed and discovered that someone had fraudulently altered credit card drafts. The alterations were obvious attempts to steal money." Mike's eyes darted back and forth between Phillip and Matheson, searching for reactions. "Would either of you care to comment?"

Matheson shot a nervous glance at Phillip, then the floor. Phillip continued to glare at Mike.

"I'm waiting," Mike said, his voice raised.

"I did it," Matheson admitted, barely loud enough to be heard.

"What did you say?" Mike asked.

"I did it," Matheson repeated, his lower lip quivering.

"Was anyone else involved?"

Matheson looked away.

"So you did it all by yourself?"

"Yes sir," Matheson replied, continuing to look away.

Mike turned to face Phillip. "Do you have anything to say?"


Rage and disappointment invaded Mike's mind. The fact the Phillip would steal disappointed him. The fact that he would lie about it and allow Matheson to take the heat enraged him. "Phillip, why do you think we brought you in here?"

"I don't know. Why did you?"

"Because we think you do have something to say...Now I'm going to give you one more chance to answer. Do you know anything about this?"

"Nope," Phillip replied without hesitation, continuing his remorseless stare.

Mike turned to face Matheson. "Gary, since you've admitted your involvement, and it's a first offense for you, I'm going to let you keep your job. I'm also prepared to let this remain a secret between us, so long as there's no repetition of this or any other theft. Of course, all of the stolen money will be deducted from your pay."

Relieved, Matheson exhaled. "Thank you Mister King. I'm very sorry."

Again Mike turned to Phillip. "Still nothing to say?"


Mike pounded the desk with his fist, then sprang to his feet, pushing his chair backward with his legs. "Three times you've denied your participation in this scam! Furthermore, you've allowed your co-conspirator to take full responsibility for the repayment of the money you helped him steal! In my opinion, what you've just done is far worse than stealing the money!"

"There's no way you can prove I was involved," Phillip retorted, stone faced.

"That's probably true, but you and I will always know you were," Mike retorted, fighting the urge to hit his step-son. "Get out!" he shouted. "Get the hell out of here before I do something I'll regret!"

Again Phillip smirked, oozing contempt. "You haven't got the balls." He turned and left the office, slamming the door with force.

THE TAINTED TRUST  (Volume 2 of The King Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now