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         Andrea Dennis kissed her husband's cheek. "How was your day, darling?" she asked, helping to remove his rain soaked coat.

"What do you want, Andrea? You're usually more subtle than this," Miles said.

"I want you to talk to Kerri. She could be in trouble."

Dennis placed his arm around Andrea's shoulders and led her in the direction of the kitchen. "First I need a drink."

Andrea was prepared. "In anticipation of that requirement, I have a jug of chilled martinis waiting for you."

Dennis sat at the counter, took a sip of his first martini, then released a loud gasp. "I feel better already. Now, tell me about Kerri.

Andrea told her husband the story of Brian Pyper's extraordinary visit with Kerri.

Dennis took another sip and shook his head. "She doesn't deserve that. She's too nice a girl...It's really a shame. She was so much in love when I met her. I can't believe that jerk screwed up so badly. Is she okay?"

"Who knows?"

"I'm worried about this weekend. We'll be at the C.B.O.T. Convention, and she'll be alone here until Sunday night."

"Maybe I should stay here. Would you be upset?"

Dennis revealed a sly smirk. "Heartbroken. It's the only time we ever get a chance to go away together. I'll talk to her now."

"You really care about her, don't you?"

Dennis nodded. "I don't want to see her future destroyed by that idiot she married. She's brilliant, Andrea. I've never seen anyone grasp the fundamentals of the business as quickly as she did. She's personable too. I think she's more capable of handling clients that I am." He finished his martini, headed downstairs and knocked on the door to Kerri's apartment.

"It's open," Kerri shouted.

Dennis entered to see Kerri sitting on her bed, reading and dressed in faded blue jeans and an oversized gray sweater. Bare feet.

"Hi boss," she said with a big smile, then placed her book beside her.

"Andrea told me what happened tonight. You okay?"

Kerri nodded, but her smile disappeared.

"Andrea and I are leaving town on Friday morning. We're going to the Chicago Board of Trade Commodities Convention. We'll be there until Sunday night...Now, under the circumstances, I hate like hell to leave you here alone. Brian could be a problem."

"Don't even think about it. I left no doubt in his mind. I told him the marriage was over, and I didn't want anything more to do with him."

"That's great, but he still worries me. Andrea told me he's decided not to give up, and if that's the case, then you shouldn't take it lightly. I've heard all kinds of horror stories about rejected lovers and husbands who let their obsessive possessive fantasies obscure reality."

"Miles, he's a drunk, a liar and a cheat, but I don't think he's crazy."

"1 hope you're right, but what if you're not. Just to be safe, I want you to stay in a hotel

for the weekend. I'll pay for it."

"Absolutely not!" Kerri protested. "There's no way I'm going to let you do that. I'm a big girl now and I'll be just fine."

Dennis smiled. "You sure have grown up."

"Thanks for caring, Miles."

Next day. 9:00 A.M.

"Call for Kerri Pyper!" someone shouted.

"I'll take it!" Kerri shouted, rushing from Dennis's office to her desk. She pushed her hair back and lifted her receiver to her ear. "Kerri Pyper," she said.

"How come you're not home yet?" Brian asked, his speech once again slurred, obviously impaired by alcohol. "I've been waiting all afternoon for you. Please come home. I...I need you."

Kerri's heart pounded, but her resolve strengthened. "I'm not coming home, Brian. Not ever! I told you last night it's over, and I meant it. Please don't call me again." She hung up

and covered her face with shaking hands.

"What's wrong?" Dennis asked, now standing in the doorway to his office.

Kerri removed her hands from her face, revealing an ashen complexion and a forced smile. "Nothing serious. I just have a bit of a headache. That was Pauline at the Exchange. We got a fill on the platinum offering," she lied.

Dennis stared suspiciously at Kerri for several seconds, then returned to his office.

Brian's determination to be with Kerri had intensified and matured into an obsession. He parked his car a short distance from Dennis's house. He watched in silence for hours, then slept in the front seat until morning. He woke to see Dennis emerging alone at seven-fifteen. After placing his briefcase and two large travel bags on the lawn beside the driveway, Dennis proceeded to the garage. He opened the door, climbed into a brown and white Chevy station-wagon, and backed it out to a point in the driveway beside the bags. As he placed the bags in the rear section of the wagon, Andrea emerged from the house with Kerri. The three climbed into the wagon, then Dennis backed it onto the street and drove away.

Brian followed the station-wagon to the train station and watched as Kerri emerged alone. She waved to Miles and Andrea, then turned and ran to the train. Brian waited for two hours, then phoned Kerri's office number from his car. "May I speak to Miles Dennis, please," Brian asked.

"I'm sorry, sir. Mr. Dennis won't be in the office today. May someone else help you?"

"Could you tell me where I could reach him? It's rather important that I talk to him."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to reach him until Monday. He'lI be out of town until then. If you would like me to give him a message, I could see that he receives it. Or perhaps you would like me to have him phone you?"

"That won't be necessary. Thank you." Brian smiled as he hung up. "'Tonight you're mine, Kerri," he purred, then rubbed the sides of his face that hadn't experienced a razor for two days.

Kerri's office telephone phone rang at four-thirty. She lifted the receiver to her ear. "Kerri Pyper."

"Hi, Kerri. It's Louis. I just called to make sure we're still on for tomorrow."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Is ten too early?"

"Ten's fine. I'll have coffee ready for you."

"Great, then would you mind transferring me to Miles's office? I should talk to him."

"He's not here. He and Andrea went to Chicago for the weekend. If it's urgent, I could get him to call you."

"No. It's not urgent, but l'm surprised they left you alone."

"My choice. To exonerate Miles, he offered to get me a hotel room for the weekend."

"He's a good man. Have you heard from your husband?"


"Would you call me if there's any trouble?" Visconti gave Kerri the number of his home in Connecticut. 

THE TAINTED TRUST  (Volume 2 of The King Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now