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         Ottawa. January 16, 1991. Seven P.M.

Alex McDowell, relaxing in the den of his suburban home, was stunned by what he saw and heard on his television set. Live from the window of the Hotel Al-Rasheed in downtown Baghdad, the excited voices of CNN reporters, Bernard Shaw, John Holliman and Peter Arnett described the night sky, ablaze with tracers, and the city, disrupted by the explosions of Tomahawk missiles and smart bombs.

His telephone rang minutes later. He answered, annoyed by the interruption and anxious to return to the unfolding drama in Iraq.

"Alex, It's John Hill. Sorry to bother you. I had to call. I have extremely interesting news."

"Well give it to me fast. I want to get back to the extremely important news on my television set."

"I just got a call from one of our treasury people in Europe. He just came from a meeting with a man by the name of Olaf Leutweiler, the president of the Weisscredit Bankhaus in Geneva. Leutweiler claims his bank just received a deposit of exactly five hundred million dollars. He said a lawyer by the name of Pierre Lambert marched into his office with a bank draft for that amount."

McDowell smirked. "You think King kept any for himself?"

"Wouldn't blame him if he did?"

"Nor would I...Goodnight, John."

"Goodnight, Alex."

THE TAINTED TRUST  (Volume 2 of The King Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now