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"She died thinking I didn't love her back.
And it's too late to tell her now."

Taennie ff by



This world is slow. Or just full of slow people. They always do everything in slow motion, they can't even do their jobs properly. I mean, is it that hard to pass a boarding ticket through a scanner and say "next!" ? Even a child could do it...

She was really mad. And anyone could understand her. It's one thing to wake up at 4 in the morning and take the plane, and it's another story to wait 45 minutes at the boarding pass since the people there were unprofessional.

Jennie was going to Seoul. It was her first time actually. And it was also her first time travelling. So naturally, it was her first time walking into an airport. Despite the fact that she had been amazed by the place, she quickly got disappointed by the poor skills of the workers there. Saying they were slow was an understatement.

In her small village, people worked from 5 in the morning till the sun sets, whether in the blasting sun or in the dazzling rain. Everyone would do an effective work in the farm or in the fields. She was living in the middle of Daegu's countryside and really enjoyed her life there, even though money was tight. Ever since her father's death, her mother and younger brother had been working hard in the farm. But it was never enough to satisfy their basic needs.

That's why she decided to study. She wanted to become a vet ever since she discovered what it did. She knew the studies would be hard and challenging, but that was exactly what she was looking for. She had been studying for years and years in order to take that online exam. And last week, she got the answer:

"Miss Jennie Kim has been accepted in the College of Vetenary Medecine at Seoul National University"

That sentence had practically changed her life. She was going to finally change her path. Yes, she was supposed to become a farmer like her family. But she knew that the money she could bring back home as a vet would definitely make her family smile.

And that was what she wished the most. To make her family and friends smile.

"Students will be boarding on campus for the first 3 years of studies"

Well, that next sentence had been slightly trickier to tell to her mother.

"NO! No is no, you can't change my mind Jennie, you are not going there by yourself. Now enough."

"Mom, come on, I haven't been studying all this time for nothing. You have to let me go, plus, I am sooo good at making friends, I won't be alone, I promise."

"Says the girl whose best friend betrayed her last month."

"Yunki, shut up. I'm not dealing with children right now." She spat at her stupid younger brother. Yes she lived with him and all, but sometimes he could really be a big pain in the ass.

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