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"So? What did the boss say?"

The young man walked in the hallway with a hesitant pace, where two other guards had been supervising with him for the past three hours.

"Well... he told me there was nothing to worry about, he wants her dead anyways."

Sourness invaded his limbs as his tongue felt heavy in his mouth.

His eyes drifted momentarily to the cell where was kept the girl, and a version of fright crossed his soul.

But as the two guards didnt seemed worried about his announcement, he snorted:

"Did you guys know that he wants her dead?"

The two others shrugged, before the taller one answered, finally sitting back against the wall.

"Yea, I knew. I think the deal is he wants to throw her back to his son dead, to make him pay for something, or shit like that."

"Urgh, this shit is so personal, it makes me wanna puke."

While the two men started giggling like drunkards, thoughts travelled around Luke's mind, as he cursed himself for not knowing that information before.

"And... do you perhaps know why she doesn't wake up? It's nearly been three days, at this point, whether you drugged her, whether she's near-death-"

"You don't know?"

Luke frowned at the sat man in front of him.

What had he missed again?

"The boss has been drugging her for months, giving her pills to worsen some disease she has, I think it's a disorder or shit. Anyways, he's been fucking with hospitals and all, only to make sure she was taking the drugs and not the medication. So by now, she must be dead, I don't know."

Luke's eyes were ready to pop out of their sockets, and his palms suddenly felt light and sweaty.

"Why wasn't I warned about this?"

"I don't fucking know, and I don't give a shit. Meanwhile, did the boss say we could play with her?"

"Dude, she could be dead, you shithead, this is disgusting."

The two started querelling, while the youngest man sensed the bitterness and the guilt fill him up in all of his crevices.

Why was I never told about this...

He slowly walked towards the cell, letting his eyes fall on the petite figure crumpled on the floor, as still as a stone, if it wasn't for the nearly inexistant up and downs of her chest, that seemed to die down with speed.

The girl was dying. Or more like she had been dying for several weeks. And all of this time, he had never known.

His eyes stung as the truth unveiled in front of him. This girl had suffered so much. She had gone through so much, and yet, this was how she was rewarded.

Luke wasn't a very sensitive guy. He usually never gave a fuck about who was dying or who he was killing.

Or who he was fucking.

But the gang's actions oftenly had a purpose. A business purpose. And as dark and shady as the business was, it still was business.

The guy couldn't deny he wasn't a good boy. He had never mingled with the good crowds, not that he really cared. As long as he had money, bed and a good fuck in a while, the man was content.

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