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The three of them were sitting on the couch, staring in the void.

No one was speaking.

Or staying on their phone.

Or glancing at each other.

Because each of them couldn't believe what had just happened, and they needed some time to gulp in everything.

But ironically, this time, waiting was actually of no use.

Because the facts were easy and blunt.

Jennie had lied to the three of them, apparently.

And even though they had thought all of it was staged, truth had been stated.

Yet, Jimin felt weird.

Because that night when he had talked with her, that night where he had pushed her to go talk to Taehyung and make things right... that night, he had only seen stars inside her eyes. Pure love. And it seemed wrong to deny it.

Why deny a true fact?

Maybe her feelings changed...

But the more Jimin was thinking about it, the more he was convinced that all of it had been real.

She just couldn't have never been in love with him.

This girl can't lie.

Can she?

His eyes raised up to the slumped figure of his friend in front of him.

Taehyung was in bad shape.

Ever since they had walked in the apartment, the boy hadn't shot a word, staying still like a statue, eyes bored into the coffee table, like it was god itself.

He must feel horrible.

Jimin had never fallen in love, so he had never experienced any pain on that side. But they said that once you find it, it is so strong and powerful you are submerged by it.

And if all of it is taken away, its like all of your insides are being ripped away from you.

Some say it's worse than heart attacks.

Because it is a pain that no pill can calm, that no operation can sort out.

It's something that tears you, and that marks you forever.

"Do you guys want pizza?"

Jimin gave a desperate look at Jungkook, eyeing the clock that had just rang six in the morning.

He tried to threaten him with a death glare, but Jungkook only nodded while brightly smiling, taking his phone out.

What the actual-

"Hello Domino's Pizza?"

For fuck's sake.

The blond boy took a quick glance at Taehyung, who didn't seemed fazed about eating pizza for breakfast.


"Yes, that's right, a four cheese and a pepperoni."

"Do you want me to clean your eye again?"

"Can you also add that one with artichoke, but without the artichoke please."

Jimin glared again at the youngest, then stood up to sit next to the dark-haired.

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