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"Vasovagal syncope."

The girl gulped and waited for the women to continue.

"Generally, this disorder causes people to faint from seeing blood or extreme sights. In your case, I think you have an oxigenation problem."

"An- oxygenation problem?"

"Yes, it would explain why you never actually faint. Basically, your brain can easily get a lack of oxygen, which will cause the dizziness, et cetera. And I am practically convinced it is dued to Seoul's pollution, since you said the dizziness started when you moved from Daegu to here. You were never accustomed to this kind of air, and it reveals you are more sensitive then others in this kind of metaphysical change. "

Jennie nodded at how 'easy' all of that sounded.

But inside, worry was beginning to eat her from inside out.

"And... is their a treatment?"

"There is. I will give you a prescription and you will run to the first pharmacy and get the pills, okay? You can get up until six pills per day, in case the dizziness increases."

The brunette thanked the doctor and paid her, before getting out of the hospital.

Well great Jennie. One more thing added on 'Things God Gave Me Because He Loves Me' list.

She sighed in annoyance and went to buy the medecine.

Something was definitely not okay with her, and she had confirmed it with this medical visit.

A disorder. All I needed now.

Today was Friday. She was taking the train to Daegu tomorrow, which meant she would get to see her family in less than 24 hours.

Which meant she would leave the boys too.

But I can still hang out with Jimin and Jungkook after I come back. And I'll make new friends at College. I haven't even been able to mingle yet, the start of the year was pretty harsh.

And Taehyung you might ask? That name was in the past. She would not think about that jerk anymore. The one that made her build false hopes, only to crash them like a castle of cards.

The one that kissed her then said to forget it.

When she clearly knew she wouldn't, or more like she couldn't forget it.

He was a player. He had lied to her all of that time.

Yet, every time she got home, she would still have that little flame of hope that would flacker in her heart.

Is he going to talk to me... is he going to at least notice me, look at me?

But nothing. He would always barricade himself in his room. He wouldn't even eat with them at dinner.

Which was why she was more and more determined to leave.

The three boys were sad because they weren't even spending time together anymore.

All because of her.

The next morning, Jungkook and Jimin got up early to wish her a great trip and to say goodbye.

"I'll be fine guys, plus we'll see each other after break, okay?"


"Oh and Jungkook, thank you for everything, I'm so grateful that you hosted me. Here, I know you wouldn't  accept my money, but you can't refuse this."

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