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"What do you mean there is no more space?! This place could fit the whole of Seoul and you can't find one room?"

"I'm sorry sir, but we don't have any space left. All of the students have already chosen their bedrooms and have payed for them. "

The boy ruffled his hair in annoyance at the old lady. They had been arguing with her for one hour, yet they hadn't found anything close to an agreement to let her stay on campus. Considering that they also had to stay the whole morning to ask for a meeting.

After last night, Taehyung had insisted to come with Jennie to let him deal with the university's stubbornness, assuring her that they would turn her down again if she came alone. But apparently, this was going nowhere.

"Miss, I will repeat myself one last time, she has received her scholarship informing her she would have a room in the Vetenary Medecine College Department. She has already been packed respect when she first came here. So now can you please give her a room? I won't take no for an answer."

If she tells me she's sorry again, I'm going to make her eat her fucking glasses.

But the boy's strong words did not move the lady a single bit.

"We are very sorry sir, nothing can be done. She will have to stay off campus and come here for classes only. "


The brunette had been standing next to the frustrated boy the whole time, not daring to say something that might ruin the whole discussion.

But by watching Taehyung carefully, she had sensed the anger rising in his voice.

And by the way his fists had tightened up to level 99 at the lady's last answer, she had decided to butt in.

"Excuse me, but I would like to say that I don't mind being with a roommate. I mean, I don't need to have a room for myself, I'll be fine-"

"But your scholarship says that you can have a room for yourself! They can't give you this advantage and then take it away like that, that's disrespectful."

"Yeah, but what can I do? I've got to try everything."

Jennie smiled at him an apologetic smile and then turned to the lady who had been yawning.

After she realised that both of them were staring at her, she started typing on her computer.

"Well, I can't guarantee that you will have a room on our grounds-"

"Of course you can't, you fu-"

Jennie was quick to put a hand on the boy's mouth before turning to the lady:


The lady sighed, clearly wanting to take a break.

"But, I can send an announcement and wait for the students to claim a roommate. "

At that answer, Taehyung backfired.

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