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The girl was on cloud nine. She finally understood what Jimin had said.

It heals everything.

And it did. Slowly, every time he would cup her lips with his, deepening the kiss, she would feel one gash close in her heart.

Love was magical. And she was glad she couldn't stop it.

But of course, the bell had to ring.

Taehyung broke the kiss, and looked at Jennie with a confused look.

The girl was seemingly confused, but no one could deny her blatant red cheeks.

It's not my fault. He does this to me.

The boy took her hand and led them back in the living room. Jimin was still there, and opened the door to-




"What the fuck are you doing here."

"I love you too hyung, and I brought some chicken! Now, do you prefer it, with ketchup or mayo-"

But the younger boy went shook as his eyes focused ok the girl standing next to Taehyung.

"Wait... Jennie?"

The brunette nodded, displaying a small smile.

But she did not expect him to jump in her arms.

The boy squealed and hugged her tight, which made Jennie gulp and nearly throw up her meal.

"Jungkook! You dumbass, cut it, don't you see you're suffocating her!"

Taehyung separated both of them and Jungkook smiled, excitement pouring out of him:

"Come on, it was just a welcome hug-"

"She collapsed not even two hours ago."

That shut the boy's mouth, and he looked apologetically at Jennie, who only gave him a reassuring smile.

Taehyung finally sighed in annoyance and then turned to Jimin:

"This is your fault."

Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Of course it is."

"Why did you even tell him to come? You weren't supposed to know where I lived-"

"Taehyung cut the shit, you have Jennie now, don't dare use the 'I want to be alone' card."

Taehyung puffed.

"Whatever. But it has nothing to do with the fact that Jungkook just barged in with a bucket of chicken at 11:30 p.m."

"Hey, I brought ketchup and mayo too!"

Taehyung sent a glare at the younger, who raised his hands in defence.

"Only saying. Now, changing the subject, where the fuck did she come from?"

Jungkook had quickly let the jokey mood aside when Taehyung told him how he found Jennie, and what she had endured during the last year.

"Jennie, I think it should be a good idea to go to sleep, you look very tired. And I didn't realise it was so late."

The girl looked at Taehyung's phone indicating 2 a.m. She simply nodded, and then asked the tall boy:

"Hum... where can I sleep? I don't want to invade your bed again."

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