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The sun shined brightly in the room, and the girl couldn't refrain from squinting her eyes open.

Urgh, my head hurts...

She massaged her scalp, only to remember what had happened the last night.

I think I passed out again yesterday... And maybe I bumped my head on the bed frame...

Worry was running in her veins.

The girl knew that for one year, she hadn't really taken her medication,  for she was in an... impractical position. 

And the disorder had only gotten worse.

Because now, the dizziness would half of the time lead to her passing out.

If Taehyung knows about this, he will want to take me to the doctor...

And that was not what she wanted. Doctors were really expensive in Seoul, she had barely paid the hospital she had stayed in back in Daegu. And she didn't want him to pay.

I need to find a way to get that medication...

She slowly got up from the bed, then opened the door and tiptoed to the living room-

Only to see a... strange show.

Jimin was litteraly half on the couch, half on the floor. His head was on Jungkook's tummy, who was litteraly under Jimin. Jungkook was still holding a piece of chicken in the hand, his mouth covered with oil and crust. As for Taehyung, his head was god knows where, but his arms were hugging Jungkook's feet, and his own legs were hanging in the air.

Why am I not even surprised...

She refrained from laughing at the boys' peculiar sleeping position, and went to the kitchen to start preparing some breakfast.

Maybe I could try and tell Taehyung I need to buy girl stuff at the pharmacy, he will understand...

You want to lie to him.

But anyways, he's going to be angry at me because I didn't tell him I have a disorder...

You should take care of your own shit on your own. You're nineteen, for fuck's sake.

"Jennie? You're awake?"

The girl turned around, and nearly yelped when she saw Taehyung was actually right behind her.

"Taehyung! I didn't know you were this c-close!"


Jennie gulped as Taehyung had cupped her waist with both his hands, closing the space between them even more.

"What do you mean close?"

His eyes were staring at her from up there, and the girl could only feel the dominance he had on her weak body, with his soothing deep voice resonating in her soul.

She closed her eyes to try and forget his burning hands on her waist.

But she knew she couldn't resist him.

Not able to stand his strong gaze on her anymore, she fluttered her eyes open, only to receive a small peck on the lips.

She looked at Taehyung with wide eyes, mind blank and body light.

"If you two start making babies in the kitchen, I'm moving out of here."

Jennie gulped and quickly removed the boy's hands off of her waist, only to see Jimin at the kitchen's door.

She heard Taehyung whine.

"Hyung, you and Jungkook always come at the wrong moment."

Jimin chuckled and went over to pat the taller boy on the head.

"I know Taehyung, I know. And we really enjoy it, if you want to know."

Taehyung only glared at the blond boy, and the girl smiled at him before turning back to her fried eggs that had started to smell funny.

"Oh no! Taehyung, I burnt the last egg! It's your fault, you came here and..."

Taehyung chuckled and kissed the girl on her right temple, before going back ok the couch.

I can't even be mad at him...

And her cheeks just wouldn't cooperate with her.

Why can't you turn into another color. Blue, green, purple, anything would be fine. But no, you have to turn into that damn red, you traitors.

"Hyungs, I want to inform you that when we move into the same apartment, I won't allow any of you to sleep with me on the same couch. I think I even received Taehyung's sock in my mouth last night."

Jungkook had finally walked out of the bathroom, and went to he kitchen table where the others had started eating breakfast.

"Unless it wasn't his foot and he suddenly wanted to shove his di-"

Jennie couldn't hear the end of the sentence for Taehyung had blocked her ears with both hands from behind her.

Then he took them off, and he sat next to the girl.

"Jimin, next time you say something like this, I'm smashing a bottle on your head."

Jimin smiled proudly.

"And here I thought you had forgotten about that bottle... And yes, I love you too."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and Jungkook only shrugged his shoulders, heading to the table.

"Oh my god, this looks so good! Jennie you're an angel!"

"Just taste the pancakes, they're litteraly the best ones I've ever eaten in my life!"

The girl could only whisper some shy thankyous and blush hardly.

It had been so long since she had woken up to some friendly faces, been given compliments and basically been living a normal life.

She had nearly forgotten how warm her heart could get, surrounded by those three boys that had become her new family.

And it was all thanks to Taehyung.

"You know, if you would have heard what I said earlier, I wouldn't ask why you're smiling like a psychopath. But since Mr. Kim decided to nicely cover your ears... Why are you smiling like a psychopath?"

"I'm getting that bottle-"

"Wait, Taehyung!"

Jennie chucked as she held the pissed off boy back on his seat.

"I was smiling because... I'm really grateful to have you guys, and I still can't believe you accepted me to stay with you... And I don't know what I can give you back..."

"Just be happy, and make that crackhead happy too, it's all what we ask for."

Jimin smiled while motioning his head to Taehyung.

And Jennie felt her insides curl.

"You can also make pancakes everyday, I won't stop you."

"That's it hyung, I'm getting that bottle."

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