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9 months later~


The boy sighed and closed the book on the counter, nearly throwing it on the flower pot on the other side of the room.

He couldn't get the problem right, he had tried solving it for the last three days, but nothing would work.

If Taehyung was here, he would have helped me...

Or Jennie...

The boy shrugged the thought away. Ever since the tragedy, nothing had gone well.

After Taehyung had come back from Daegu, he had told them he was moving out of the apartment.

None of the two others could believe the girl had committed suicide. Yet, the truth was there.

And Taehyung didn't want to talk about it. Instead, he had closed himself to the others even more than before, and he rarely visited.

He had drastically changed. The boy hadn't seen his friend smile or laugh for the last months, let alone hang out with them.

After Taehyung had left, Jimin and Jungkook had started fighting. Endlessly.

And in the end, Jimin moved out too. The three boys had completely parted ways, and were now practically ignoring each other.

And Jungkook hated that.

But mostly, he was worried. Not about Jimin, since that 'stubborn shithead' would come to him again, one day or another.

They knew each other for so long, it was impossible for them to just remain apart.

No, the young boy was worried about Taehyung.

Because not only was he impossibly distant, but he had started going out alone.

And whenever he would see him, he would always catch some more healing bruises on his body.

And one new thing: Taehyung had started to smoke.

Something that had shocked the boy when he learnt about it.

But what could he do? The dark-haired had clearly told Jungkook, when he had come back crying that day.

He wanted her back. And it was beyond impossible.

The police had never recovered the body. They said the current was too hard, and it must have been taken away.

The three of them eventually accepted the young girl's death.

But, saying that Taehyung's depression had everyone worried was a clear understatement.

I wish I could help him... But he doesn't even want to tell me where he lives...


The boy arrived in the club and pushed pass the sweat-covered bodies, that were moving and dancing around like mad people.

He eventually reached the bar and sat on the stool.

"The usual."

The bar tender nodded and started preparing his double whisky shot.

After he downed the whole thing, he asked for two more, before answering his annoying phone that had been ringing for the past hour.

Once I get out of here, I'm destroying this thing.


"Hey bud. So, still not agreeing?"

"Go fuck yourself. I told you no a thousand times already."

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