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~two days later~

The boy walked up the stairs, munching on his apple while swinging his sports bag on his shoulder, his other hand playing with the set of his apartment keys.

Once he finally arrived upstairs, he slipped the key inside the door before opening it, revealing his hyung studying on the sofa, his black glasses on the bridge of his nose.

The later looked up and immediately returned to his book, a satisfied smile on his face:

"Perfectly on time. Can you make me a sandwich and bring it to me?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at Jimin while throwing his rather smelly bag in a corner, before walking up to his hyung and slumping next to him.

"Jungkook, what the fuck! You nearly smashed all of my notes, you shithead!"

"Got any news?"

The boy decided to change the subject and talk about more important things, obviously not giving a damn about Jimin's poor notes, which consisted more of doodles than any lessons.

"Well the hospital called to confirm the visiting hour for Taehyung. They said Jennie was still under supervising conditions, and there haven't been any changes since this morning when we called."

Jungkook nodded silently, a heavy atmosphere building around them.

It was funny how everything would go well for a while, before unravelling back to square one.

What had happened?

Well, it was twisted, like always.

Four days ago, everyone had been alerted in the end of evening by a stressed out Taehyung, ringing endlessly on the emergency bell for Christ's sake.

And why?

Because Jennie wouldn't wake up. When Jungkook and Jimin had walked in along with the doctors, the boy was already crying, terrified by the thought that something serious had happened to her.

In the end, the doctors said that it was just a worn-out tipping point, and that the girl had been so excited the last days that her body had simply turned off and fell asleep in a deep slumber.

Then, the next day, around morning, they had called up both Jimin and him to go to Taehyung's room for an important announcement.

Someone had donated his eyes, and the doctors were ready to operate his defective ones, since Taehyung's would never work again.

And of course Taehyung had accepted right away, despite the worry of leaving Jennie for the operation, without telling her.

But the situation was critical, or the eyes would be sent off to other people who were in need if he refused.

And that's how Taehyung entered for a four hour operation of eye transplant.

The thing was that when they had both decided to go wait in front of the operation ward with Jimin, they had found the little brunette spread on the floor numblessly, completely knocked out once again.

And here she was still out cold for the second day now, which was nothing but worrying.

The doctors has guessed that she must have had woken up, then discovered Taehyung was going through a surgery, and got a trauma, probably from her tangled past.

Jungkook knew the poor girl wasn't really mentally stable, let alone physically. And all of that in one go must have had been a little too much.

However, the fortunate case was that Taehyung's operation had succeeded. Tonight was the big revelance, when they would take off the bandages he had been keeping on his eyes for two days after the operation, and both boys were more than excited to see the results.

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