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This is the most stressful thing I have ever experienced in my whole life.

The girl whined and fell face first on her bed while having a mental break down. Then, Tannie jumped on her and started licking her fingers like always.

"Tannie... why is so hard to choose an outfit? What do you even wear at a party? Do I go all out with makeup and sparkles and all, or do I just keep the short-Tshirt?"

"Short-Tshirt will be fine, we're not staying for long anyways."

She abruptly turned to her right to see Taehyung standing at the door, leaning on the wall.

"I thought Tannie was the one talking."

They both burst into laughters at her stupidity.

They eventually arrived at the house the party would take place, revealing a huge condo with garden and pool and everything.

Jennie's jaw had dropped long ago when they arrived at the door.

Is this door in freaking gold or what. And are those diamonds on the handle...

The door opened to loud music, a good wave of alcohol- and a boy.

Very tall. Taller than Taehyung.

"Hey Jimin, welcome! I see you brought some friends!"

"Hi Namjoon hyung! Meet Jungkook, Taehyung and Jennie."

He pointed at the brunette who had turned on the shy mode button.

There were so many people and the music was loud enough to be heard on the other side of the city. Everyone was dancing, drinking, laughing and having fun, forgetting about their worries or just enjoying life.

Yet, Jennie felt uncomfortable. She didn't know how to dance, she wasn't going to drink, and mingling with others would just lead to another lecture by Taehyung.

And apart from that, she still didn't feel at ease.

She scooted closer to Taehyung as they entered the crowded place, passing through people dancing and screaming to the beat.

Taehyung then said something to her but she didn't hear it. She made a sign for him to repeat, but instead he took her hand and started leading them through the crowd.

After successfully escaping that zoo, they arrived in the backyard. There were far less people than inside and the music wasn't as loud too.

"Wow, is that called a party?"

"Sadly, yes. People just get drunk and then do crazy things. Even if it's cool to let go sometimes, it's also nice to actually enjoy a party. And trust me, with drunk people, it's fun until they puke on you and start doing poll dance on your mom's dining table."

The girl giggled.

"Oof, feels familiar to you."

"Well, with Jimin? I always have to go at all the damn parties he goes too. Partly because he says I'm a grandpa, and mostly because he needs someone to drive his drunken ass back home. And when I tell you every party, it means I don't sleep nearly every Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays."

"Wait, every party? That must be so tiring!"

"Welcome to my world... Anyways, do you want to drink something? I saw there were juices and sodas inside."

"I'm fine but go take one for you, I'll wait here."

The boy looked right and left to see if it was okay for her to stay alone, which only made Jennie roll her eyes.

"Go Taehyung, nothing's going to happen, god."

"Okay, but be careful. And don't talk to anyone,  people can be weird. I'll go take a drink and come back."

Taehyung left in the house while she just sat in the yard, looking at the people laughing and talking. There was also a couple in the back that had been making out since they had got in there, and Jennie blushed while looking elsewhere.

It must be so wonderful to have someone who loves you like that... I wish one day I'll experience the same thing...

She had never fallen in love. Boyfriends and relationships were things that seemed far away in her mind, something she would never reach.

I mean... who would want to date me, seriously talking right now. Taehyung said I'm a monkey.

Her lips instantly curled when she thought of the name.

Taehyung. This boy had been so nice to her it was nearly unbelievable. Okay, he sometimes was moody, but he was so kind-hearted and gentle that he made her heart melt every time.

She looked around to see if he would arrive but only caught the stare of another man.

Wait, why is he looking at me.

She looked behind but there was no one else so he must have been looking at her. The guy was far away and she couldn't see him very well.

Maybe he's someone from the university?

She felt really uncomfortable with him there. The guy was sipping a drink and had been watching her for now five minutes with no interruption.

Maybe I should just go look for Taehyung...

She started panicking when some more people went in, leaving the weird boy and maybe two or three other persons outside with her.


She turned around at her name and relief painted her face when she saw the tall male smiling at her.

"Taehyung! You took forever!"

"What's going on? Who's this guy? Did he talk to you?"

Shit, he must have seen me staring at him.

"No, he's no one. Let's sit on the grass."

The boy sat next to her after sparing a glare at the man that had just disappeared.

"You won't believe what I saw in there."

Jennie squealed.

"What? "

"Jimin. He was wearing a dress and makeup."

"Wait what?" The girl started laughing. "Why?"

"He was proposing to Jungkook."

Both of them started laughing as Jennie imagined the peculiar scene.

"When I tell you everyone was filming, I mean it. They will both go viral on social media for sure."

"Wait, Jimin was drunk, right?"

"Of course. He had a bet with Jungkook afterall."


While the two were laughing, a man was watching them from the inside, smirking.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He answered while smiling at the ID's number.

"Hey. Yea. I found him. And you won't believe what I found in bonus."

The man leaned on the wall, still watching the two laying on the grass.

"The girl. I think she lives with them. At least she stays with him all the time. Yea, they definitely are close. And I got her name."

The guy smiled on the phone.

"And... I have an idea to finally get Taehyung under our wing. The girl makes everything so much easier. We'll just have to search her up a little and the rest will do the trick."

He chuckled and hung up after disappearing from the party.

Let's see how you will fight back after this, Taehyung.

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