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The boy didn't know if he was still breathing.

If his heart was still pumping blood up to his head.

Because for some seconds, the world felt it had frozen entirely, not rotating anymore, and only focusing on one thing.

She was there.

So pale.

So beautiful, but as white as snow.

And she wasn't moving, head lolling down, making her long wavy brown hair cascade on her denuded shoulders.



Fuck, no.

Taehyung couldn't deal with his emotions. He did not have the time for that.

Or more like he would make an unfixable mistake if he did.

Right now, he had to concentrate on the man holding his girl in the arms.

In front of him, his father was smirking, carrying the girl with less then care, while clutching a gun to her temple.

Stay calm.

You have to stay calm.

All this time, his father had been playing with him. Jennie had never escaped, the whole time she had been suffering by the hand of that fucktard.

And Taehyung knew he was never going to forgive himself for that.

He watched how dark bruises could be seen on her arms, as well as a nice cut on her forehead, while her body was only bearing a long shirt that only came up to her mid thighs, sliding off her thin body while his father was shifting.

She must be freezing.

How I want to burn his brains-

Taehyung suddenly felt Jimin touch his wrist, saving him from going to far, as his fingers were at this close to pull the trigger.

And the older was right. One wrong movement, and his father wouldn't hesitate to shove a ball through Jennie's head.

The only solution was communication.

"What did you do to her."

His father only smiled and nearly giggled, not bothered or concerned at all by the icy and growling tone of his son.

"Well, hello to you too, Taehyung, I thought you would like to see me, so that's why I prepared a little surprise for you."

Taehyung restrained from pulling on the trigger, as he watched with hatred how his father eye-fucked the unconscious brunette, swearing he was going to cut him into pieces as soon as possible.

"I said. What did you do to her."

His father only eyed him suspiciously, that sickening grin making his fingers itchy on the gun's hold.

"This? It's nothing, the kitty is just a little tired after fucking with her fiance, that's all-"

"I killed Luke."

At that moment, something changed into his father's eyes. And Taehyung felt the anger rising inside, along with pride that he was slowly going to take over his father.

I need to divert his attention.

"I killed him, with a bottle of beer and my bare hands. Four hours ago."

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