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She had been sitting in her seat for now 30 minutes and still nothing.

Apparently, one of the buses that was taking the rest of the passengers to the airplane had broke down, just like that. So they had to get all of them out, with their luggage, wait for someone to send another bus, put everyone back, and finally drive to the plane.

And since she had been in the first shuffle, she just had to wait. And the plane had already been delayed.

Talk about efficiency.

"Tannie, shush it please, or they are going to take you away from me."

She petted her puppy that wasn't very happy to be closed up in a little bag for 2 hours of flight. Since he was a very small dog, they had let her take him with her in the seat. But of course, she refused to give him those sedatives that were novice for his health, so the little puppy was sparkling with energy.

"I know, I know it's hot, but what can we do, hm?"

Then other people started to enter the airplane.

Finally, the other shuffle arrived.

She watched the people put their suitcases away and look for their seats.

She was hoping someone would seat next to her, since she was alone on her row. Their were three seats on her side, and while she was seating at the window, no one sat on the two other seats.

Maybe they are coming in this shuffle.

And Jennie was right. In the blink of an eye, a tall man sat on the last seat, leaving a seat between them. She tried to look at him and greet him, but he just won't look at her.

Why isn't he looking, is his bag that interesting? Am I really this ugly? Well, here goes nothing.

"Hi there!" She said loud enough for the man to raise his head up, and for the rest of the other people next them to hear her.

Okay, next time a little lower, Jennie

But at least now the man wasn't hid by his hood now, and she could see his blank face staring at her.

Ok, much younger then what I expected.

And that's when Jennie's brain stopped working.

Wow wait. Why does his face look so beautiful.


He stared at her small figure. Well, was something on his face? Or was she just one of those annoying girls who just wanted to get in his pants.. He sighed and looked away, already annoyed by her intense stare.

Okay, why do I feel like she's still staring at me.

The boy turned around once more and looked at her with his coldest eyes.

But instead of a puffed seducing smile, or a bashing of eye lashes, or even the traditional blushing, the girl stood there, looking at him.

Well that's unexpected.

Why wasn't she intimidated by him?

Then he started looking at her more carefully. She was really cute, nothing to say. Perfect features, big brown doey eyes, silky wavy dark brown hair, flowing down till her nice round-

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