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Sometimes, dreams are so emotional you think they are actually real.

Because what you mostly remember are not memories, but the feelings related to them.

And the worst is probably to wake up, and find out that your dreams are reality.

This is how the mind's complex machinery works. And it oftenly is deceiving, apart from nightmares.

Nightmares tend to be imaginary, based on your fears and frightening memories, therefore they happen really scarcely.

Well, Jennie was an exception. 

Her life had been so twisted in the last months she simply could not catch up.

She had seen things she hadn't even known, heard of.

And she had endured so many things, no wonder life looked like hell in her eyes.

But then there was him.

The one that somehow miraculously held eveything together, and prevented her from popping that gun to her brains.

But... what would she do if he came to disappear, just like the others?

She would probably fade away too...

Her eyes tiredely half-opened to the dawn light of the morning, restless from the fast images that had been swelling in her head all night long.

But this time, as her eyes bored into the white ceiling above, she felt a new a feeling.

The feeling of her hand in another's.

A small smile curled up on her face as she intertwined their fingers together, still not turning her head to the boy laying on the bed stuck to hers.

She sighed contently as she could hear both their machines beating in different rythms but somehow accordinating perfectly, letting her know his heart was still there, pumping blood into his veins.

He was there. He was fighting.

Not like in her dreams where silence was deafening, translating the lack of life.

She could hardly forget that spitting image of Taehyung on that same bed, as cold as ice, lips chapped and skin white, heart stiffened and trapped into stone, as no life would ever come back into that body.

But the key of it was that it was only a dream.

She felt a soothing coat crawl up in her body as his hand and hers created warmth while holding each other, making her double up in confidence.

I know Taehyung, I know you're there.

And I'll wait for you right here.

Even though no one had told her, she had guessed that Taehyung was probably the one who went to save her from his father.

And the burns could only explain that there had been a fire.

However, Jennie had absolutely no memory after that night when Luke had abused her and taken advantage of her, before dumping her in a freezing basement and locking her up with no light nor food.

She slowly raised her head up and turned to the beautiful sight next to her, eyes adoring the unconscious figure more than anyone or anything in the world. But suddenly, a spang of dizziness caught her head, blurring her vision at once. Her head fell back next to Taehyung's shoulder, fingers sliding away from his hand in the action.

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