10 Minutes Of Thinking Rich Day#1

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“As I think in my heart, so am I.”
Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV)

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the body can achieve."
Napoleon Hill

For 10 minutes or less, everyday, will you try to do this with me? Also, today I am going to reset myself. I will not question how and when my dreams will come true, I will just believe. Let's start this journey!

Step. 1:
Set your goals first. What are your top 10 goals in life? Cliché I know. But just for fun. We got nothing to lose. Write it down. AND MAKE SURE TO REMEMBER IT AND NOT TURN IT INTO YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION (where's that one anyway? I lost mine 😂)

Here's mine:
1. Have my first million before this year ends. (ambitious, I know)
2. Make my million grow.
3. Retain the trust and love of people around me.
4. Travel with my whole family international by 2020 (I'm a Filipino so....)
5. Buy my dream car by 2020.
6. Build my dream house by 2020
7. Be kind anyway. (even if I am being taken advantage of. Oh it's gonna be hard! Harder than earning my first million!)
8. Always be grateful. Good times. Bad times. I should be.
9. Share my blessing. I won't let people have the same struggle. We all have our personal ones anyways.
10. Glorify Him, the Lord God forever and ever.

Step 2:
Open your mind. Think about billionaires who have dinner that costs millions. Mind blowing but possible right? Now think it's happening to you. Accept and really feel it. Think about walking to shops and not caring about the price. Think about eating everything you like. Think about having breakfast in one country, lunch in another and dinner in another one. Think about flying in your own private plane. Then think about street children's smiles. Think about their laughter. Think about their big mouth devouring the food you gave them. Think about their parents tears. Tears of joy and gratitude. Think about people at the hospital. Think about how you quietly paid for their bill and they don't know you but think of watching them from afar, as the nurse brings them the news, look at their happy faces. Look at their joy and gratitude. Look at them.

Didn't it felt real for a moment? And it will be. Just believe.

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