Day #34

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Today, I found God.

I found God in the voice of my little girl when she told me "I love you Mommy." out of the blue while I was complaining about how hot the weather is.

I found God in my little daughter as she slyly smile at me and cover her mouth like she wants to whisper something behind her dad's back and she indeed have some gossip to share which is "Daddy forgot again to make me drink medicine, so I have to remind him."

I found God in my little daughter as she shares with me her favourite cereal just because.

I found God in my little daughter as she says "Hello Guys" to me and her dad like we're just her pals.

I found God in her smiles.

I found God in her eyes.

I found God in her sweet little voice.

I found God, twice today.

I found God in my husband's comforting smile after I nag him how he does everything wrong.

I found God in my husband as he even with only 3 hours sleep after 12 hours night shift went to the mall to buy new bedsheets and pillowcases because I was complaining.

I found God in my husband's voice as he asked me what I wanted to eat.

I found God in my husband's hands as he slowly and gently bathe me and pat my skin to avoid popping the blisters.

I found God in my husband's full-of-love-special-order-sandwich.

I found God as he calmly says "It's okay sweetheart. Your crankiness is what I love about you. It's annoying but I don't want to stress you out further.

I found God, 3x today.

I found Him inside my heart as He whispers "Everything is going to be okay. You are doing the right thing and I will get you through it. Trust in Me and you will never regret it."

I found God's promises and I am keeping it.

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