Day #17

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He saved the sinners. He died for us.

I was questioning how worthy I am. I am a sinner. I am not a good child of God. I am an ignorant. I am selfish. I am bitter.

I wanted to use was but this is indeed the real me. I have to accept that so I can change it. I was in denial before. I would put the dirt underneath a rug. And I realised that it isn't gonna make me clean. It's only going to make it appear like it is clean but it's actually getting dirtier and dirtier.

My Father in Heaven is good. He is forgiving. He is listening. He does not close His heart and ears to those who calls unto Him and pour their hearts out.

Everything is lighter. My problem are still the same but I am not as anxious as before. God will provide. He will!!! Everyday, I am surviving different challenges. Everyday, I am full. Everyday, I get to laugh. Everyday, I get to thank You Lord for my life, my family and friends and love ones.

I love you Lord. 🙏

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