Day #45

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Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.

Matthew 21:21

Faith can do more than we can imagine. Faith to the Lord. Faith to Jesus Christ.

Today, I woke up hearing my mom that she'll be going home to our  province. It is Christmas break and my sisters and brother are stayinh here with me in the city. We will be celebrating new year's eve here so they came early.

Typhoon Ursula did worse than everyone imagined.

My hometown is swimming in floods. All barangays are flooded. People can't even go from one place to another because the current is so strong. It is dreadful. It is sad. It is hard. I never thought that Yolanda has a twin, Ursula. The flood was the worst. It destroyed everything.

We haven't heard from Mom the whole day. I guess she was able to pass by the bridge. The electricity was out they said and so were the signal of cellular phones.

My cousin also needs 30,000php for her hospital bill and for her daughter to continue to get medication.

It's a lot.

It's very heavy.

It's a big problem.

But I know God will provide. He will get me through these challenges. I will make it because He is with me. God is good. God is faithful. He won't put me through something I won't be able to survive. God is my refuge. God is my power. Jesus will be my bridge to the Lord. He will tell God my prayers because Jesus loves me as much as God.

Depsite all of this, my family is safe. I am grateful. I am thankful. I am blessed.

Thank you, Father. You are good. You are beautiful.


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