Day #12

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So, I am writing this a day late. Doesn't matter. It was a greaaaaat day!

Starting the day lazily again, I woke up wanting to exercise but of course I didn't. 😅 Currently Day 4 of no rice again and I am feeling my legs from doing pilates. Plus it's the "day". You know. Girls stuff.

I decided to chat around wechat looking for clients. I found one and he asked more about the business over coffee.

Most of them actually would trust you more than people you know.

So, I met with him and he was such a nice guy. He talks about his hobbies and dogs. He talks about his favourite country and travel stories. It's amazing. I realise that I must be on my way with his experience too! That he seems to have more wealth than I can imagine. 6 dogs. France every month. (He works at a French poultry company) Okay, going back. I shared with him my business and offered it. He seems very interested. Investments can start from small amounts to bigger ones. He likes to start big! Isn't that amazing?!!

I am looking forward to a positive outcome.

We met in the afternoon and in the evening, my husband's friends invited us to dinner and some late night drinks. It was fun. And I enjoyed it. I love this day. The Lord is driving my life to the fullest. 💙

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