Day #47

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When you give, you receive.

It is a cycle. When what you do is for the good, you will harvest goodness too.

Isn't it rewarding to know that you helped someone? That you made someone's day? That somehow even for a second, they felt grateful and even a little, smiled?

Yes. That's what you receive. That satisfaction, that happiness, that butterfly in your heart. Yes, your heart. In your heart because you can't stop smiling ear to ear because the feeling of helping out others is very very good. Sometimes, tears can even fall because of it.

I am thinking of starting something unique. Something exciting. Something good. Something that actually is scary or I am a bit shy to do.

That is........

(drum roll)

A vlog.

But my hubby isn't that positive nor supportive. I hate his reaction. Lol. Hahaha. I hate that I am overreacting too. I feel like I am so enthusiastic about it and they're like nah.

Today is a great day. I know hubby has been working hard but I am so thankful for him. We bought some goods to give to my townsmen who have nothing to eat due to typhoon Ursula and we also bought gifts for my family for new year celebration.

The exciting part of the year is about to come. I know Christmas is celebrated by many but my religion doesn't. Still, we can all be happy with the thought that a saviour was born. A hope has come. The mighty one is here. A celebration of faith.

New year is when my family get together to celebrate Christmas. New year is when we all exchange gifts to show our thoughtfulness with each other.

I am excited and undecided. But I know God will guide me with my decisions. 🙏

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