Day #2

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Go back to Day 1 and imagine your goals as if it is already done.

What are the things you are grateful for today? Small things. List at least 5 things.

1. I'm alive
2. My family is safe and alive
3. I have food
4. I choosed happiness
5. It's raining (cuddle weather!)

Today, I was feeling lazy (as always). I woke up early. I was supposed to do exercise but found myself waking up again by 10am. 😂 Talk about self discipline. And now it is almost 4pm and I haven't done any squat at all. My body hurts from doing exercise yesterday. (is that a legit excuse? I hope so) Now, I am about to go out. I am going to the house of a relative of my boyfriend. They're currently selling it. I want to look around and maybe post the picture and see if maybe somebody might want to buy it. Also, I want to offer my trading business with her aunt. Her aunt owns a lending company. So... I am currently working out my vibes.

Raising your vibes. How do we do that? Download Pinterest and look for wealth and positive affirmations. I love repeating those to myself EVERYDAY. Sometimes, I felt like I adapted it already and I was just stating facts about myself. It is the goal!


Nope. It isn't magic. It's the universe conspiring to meet your wishes. Be patient and just do the work. Universe will just find the way for you.

Also, by the way, last night, I dreamt about spider and crabs. Looking up it can be negative or positive. But since I am a huge fun of looking at the greener side, I choosed positive. Guess what? IT SAYS THAT A GREAT WEALTH IS COMING MY WAY!



With open arms and wide smile, I welcome all the wealth. I open my mind to the possibility of endless wealth. I am receiving more than enough. I have more than enough. I am rich. I feel good about money!

Repeat that after me.

Trusting the Lord's perfect timing, I surrender everything to Him. 🙏

4:42pm update!
Yesterday, I received 800php. Supposed to be it was salary day of my cousin. But when I checked her card, there was nothing but the 800php.

Okay. A little back story before I continue. My cousin borrowed 5,000php from and in exchange she gave me her salary card. She asked favor from me if she can pay me little by little. And by little by little she meant 1,000php every salary day. She gets paid 2x a month and I feel sorry for her so I agreed.

Last few weeks ago, on her 1st salary day that she was to pay me, she got X800php. I won't put here how much she received but there's this 800php that was maybe out of line? Lol.

I couldn't withdraw the 800php because the machine can only release 1,000php bills that time. I have some extra cash and decided to cover it and just withdraw the 800php next time.

Then last night, when I checked her card, I was surprised. I forgot about the 800php. So, I withdrawn it.

Today, she was constantly nagging me to check her card. When I did, her salary is in and of course I withdrawn everything again and she paid me 1,000php today.

I feel like I am slowly manifesting richness. How awesome is that? I received 800php last night then 1000php today. I am ready for bigger amounts!

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