Day #43

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Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

1 Timothy 5:8 | NIV |

The times now are the hardest. December seems to be a big challenge for me and my family.

Our little angel is sick. My cousin's daughter. The one I spoke about before here on my journal/book. She contacted chickenpox from us. My little nephew might even have pneumonia. I feel sorry for the kids of my cousin. I feel sorry for him because I was not a good aunt. I feel sorry to the kid because his eyes tells me that he is suffering.

Lord, I beg of you, heal the children. Heal them from pain. Make them the happiest. Whatever is your plans, please don't take them away yet. Please do not bring them home to you yet. Let us be with them and guide them til they get old. Let them experience life and your goodness here on earth.

I am not a selfish person. I will help them. My mind is upset. I will have nothing left. But my heart bleeds. My heart bleeds for them. They are poor and helpless. Please help them Lord. Please help them and guide them. Touch their hearts. Be with them. Strengthen their beliefs.

Lord, you are powerful. I know you have plans. I trust in you. I trust in you Father.


The Pain is all worth it. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ