Day #42

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“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”

Matthew 7:7

I believe that His words are true. Today, I am filled with worries and am very anxious about tomorrow.

I worry about the gifts I will give. I worry about the money. I worry about what I lost. I am scared. I am afraid. I have doubts and thoughts that are hunting me.

But I have God.

I must hold on to that.

Thinking about years ago, I realised that I have more now. Why should I be scared? I started at the bottom. The bottomest of all. Is that even a word? Haha.

Before I was so happy to receive 6,000pesos as my salary. I can buy a lot of things.

Continuation because I was interrupted by my daughter. I wanted to get mad at her but hearing her maturing and being a kid at the same time melted my heart. Her dad was very tired but he smiled at her. She walked at her dad's back and forth. She jump and laugh and laugh and laugh. Her laughter is like music to my ears.

Here's one of our convo:

Martha: Mom, I need 3 pesos.
Me: what for?
Martha: 1 for the taxi going to the mall, 1 for me to buy toys, 1 for the taxi going back.

She really is smart, right? How amazing is it that things can be so simple for kids? Like thinking about what you'll be doing next only requires 5 seconds.


Waiting on God is never a waste.
Waiting on God is always worth it.

There will be a “season” in your life that waiting is a necessary step before you enter into your next season.

Waiting is part of the process. Even in waiting, God is there working.

Hindi "sayang" ang waiting season mo.
Hindi “sayang” ang mga sakripisyo mo.
Diyan ka hinahanda ni Lord. Diyan ka pinapalakas ni Lord spiritually, physically and emotionally.

That’s where God does his best work in you. He hid greater purposes in the place called “waiting.”

Instead of stressing out about the future, start to praise God for what’s already done. He holds your future– your relationship, your career, your families and your dreams, even your next step.

He is saying “just wait and see what I’ve got in store for you. It’s going to get so much better. Trust me. Your best days are yet to come.”

There is something beautiful and humble about waiting. Don't rush it. The best thing we can do while we wait is serve God.

There's a time and season for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3)

He doesn't waste the wait & your efforts to do what's right when no one's looking— He doesn't waste it as well.

Just wait. Everything will get better. Remember that the God we serve is always on time.

Rest in that. #MLNLph (credits)


I think that the evening was the best part of my day. My heart was at ease and I realised how waiting is enjoyable actually. If you know how to use your time while waiting well. 😉

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