Day #49

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Woke up today with sleepy eyes.

So, today I planned to wake up at 7am. Pretty late for others already. But too early for me. I fell back asleep and woke up 8:30. Yep. That's life. I guess. Haha.

I have a homebased job interview by 10 so I fixed myself around 9:30am. I was supposed to do that earlier but lazy is = me.

I prayed though. I prayed that if I pass the interview I will continue in helping the poor and my family. And then boom. I had a very good talk with my future boss. We relate to each other and even have a common ground: cryptocurrency.

I am so happy and grateful. I feel like this day is a really really really good day.

Mom safely got back home and so is my hubby. My cousins are here and late in the evening, their mom followed.

The noise in my house is acceptable because it means that my family is here and is having fun.

I love moments like this.

Thank you so much Lord. Thank you. 🙏

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