Day #46

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A typhoon, lunar eclipse and an earthquake.

Totally damaged house and a trauma. Everyone is thinking, what is going on and why is this happening?

Of all the days, why on Christmas?

Some people died, many lost their houses and most are suffering from a brokenheart. But still, I am proud that most of my townsmen, are still grateful. I saw a lot of posts on social media about how they are thankful they're still alive and well. They are fighting. They are slowly trying to stand. Despite everything, they still believe in God.

This tragedy marked the new era of Christians. That is how I see it. Everybody is showing everyone their faith without shame. Some may be scared, but Lord, they continue to call. I know You will answer them. Jesus, the Saviour will bring up to the Father the prayers of His children.

Everything happens for a reason. I used to thought how it was just a saying but now, I know better. It is more than that. If you try to see the purpose of every situation, you will find a great puzzle that was all made and fitted perfectly. How amazing is the Lord? How amazing is His plans?

I just realised why I had chickenpox. Maybe it is to save us from the storm. We were planning to go home but we cancelled because of our sickness. And now I understood why. It was like a big stop sign for me and my family.


Father, your plans are the greatest. Father, you are the best.
Father, you are really good.
Thank you Jesus for saving us. ❤️

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