Day #22

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Isaiah 40:28-29

“He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.”

I feel like I am slowly drifting away. Like I am being pulled away from the Father.

It's scary.

I don't feel anything. I wonder how before, I used to cry while talking to Him. Now, I don't. I feel...... So so?

You know that feeling when you ride a plane you don't really get scared or panic because it is rare nowadays to have a plane accident? That's what I feel. I feel like my life is okay. But I want to be with the Lord not just on bad times, but good ones and okay ones too. I want to feel His presence all the time.

I surrendered my life to the Lord. I trust His plans and believe His promises. It is hard to maintain but I guess the only way is to go on and on and on.

My Father promised heaven and happiness. I know He is good. Whatever I ask He will give on the right timing. The Father is powerful. He will deliver me from evil and will always be there for me.

I know that the Father is watching. Every actions and every thoughts. He knows what is on my mind. I trust His plans are great. It will be hard. It can even be painful but I will trust in Him.

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