Day #35

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Defining beauty.

Starting my day posi -


Hello Girl? I am so stressed. I am upset and blah blah blah blah..

This friend of mine really knows how to pull a person down. All she does is complain about almost everything else. No matter how positive you are, you'll surely be depleted.

I thought....

But I have God.

Of course I am not perfect. I am far from it. But the miracles of God in my life is countless. I pray for that friend of mine. She can't realised God's grace in hers.

Doing nothing but watching videos, my cousin told me we're making spaghetti. My favourite food. Yes. I'm that kid at heart. We talked. We have fun eating. My husband of course cooked food for me aside from spaghetti. He made me some meal. I love it when he does that.

My daughter slept at 4pm and woke up 7pm. Imagine how late she would sleep tonight.

It's actually my first time to watch titanic. My heart was broken by the ending. It was too painful.

I started this day negatively and thought I would be having all that feelings til the end. But no.

With my negatively depleted soul and broken heart, I realised the beauty of today.

How lucky we are that we are past the time where a ship sinking has 50%. Now, with advanced technology, we are prepared for that.

How lucky are we that airplanes crashing are 10% probability compared to the past where it's 0 chance of survival.

How lucky are we that we are past world wars and we are safe and sound inside our homes (big or small doesn't matter)

How lucky we are that most deadly diseases before have cure now.

How lucky we are to be alive.

How beautiful it is to hear the sound of our laughter and voice and movements.

Thank you, Father. You are good. You made me end with a happy smile today.

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