Day #10

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"Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD." ~ Psalms 4:5

Today, I cried. I cried to the Lord. I beg Him to take over my life. I beg Him to be with me. I beg Him for His presence.

Today, I am tested. I am stressed out. I kept on diverting my attention on anything that can take it. Anything but my problems.

Today, I laughed. I laughed because of this conversation:

Hubby: Stop stressing yourself. Remember it causes weight gain.

Hubby: We started from rock bottom. You can't have a pump if you won't take a dip.

Hubby: Do you want some chicken wings?

I am thankful for this man. I am thankful that the Lord gave him to me. I am thankful I was blinded before. If this isn't true love, then what else could be better than this? Well, that's for me anyway.

Another one, my daughter was being naughty. With my problems stressing me, I just want her to sleep so I can be at peace. I want her to sleep early and she doesn't want to. Of course, naturally, I got mad and shouted at her and I couldn't help it, cried and told her I was so tired that will she just please sleep. She cried. She cried with me and told how much she loves me. She smiled at me and kept on saying "I love you." My emotions suddenly changed. It turned into butterflies? Funny it may seem but I really can't describe it any other way.

So, now, I am ending my day with a grateful heart. Despite everything, the rise and fall of my chest, shows how much hope the Lord have onto me. And I onto Him. 💙

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