Day #24

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Delays are important.

Isn't it frustrating that when you got everything planned and it gets postponed? Like you are 100% ready and they cancelled and called to do it tomorrow instead. Isn't that disappointing?

Delays are important. It shows your true self. Who you really are. See that person in the mirror? No? You aren't in front of one? The go to one. See now? That person is controlled by emotions. Lots of negative comments must be running on your head. You were so ready! Maybe you even cancelled other important things just to get disappointed. Control your emotions. Breathe. Breathe. And breathe.

Are you even ready enough? There is always reason for everything. And it just make sense usually in the end. Be more aware. Be observant. See what is around you. Every small detail.

When God delays, it is always for a greater purpose. Patience is not an ability to wait but an ability to keep a good attitude while waiting and unexpected detours happens. Anyway, the longer we wait for something, the more we appreciate it.

Today, I was supposed to received 100,000php! YES!!! AMAZING RIGHT?! But the person cancelled. Yes. I was at the waiting place, all set and pretty when I received a call telling me that the bank will have to release the money tomorrow. Great! I cancelled my class for this.

The fact that hey the deal is closed which I am totally aware of didn't made me feel any better. But I should be. Right?!!! I was receiving 1,000php and now that's x100!!!!

Was I really ready? I guess not. My focus was on negatives when I should be positive. But I love how I am aware. I am not perfect but I am halfway through.

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