Day #16

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“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins”

(Colossians 1:13-14)

God loves us. Even if we are failures. Even if we are evil. God loves us. He does not turn His back to those who calls unto Him. He had walked inside the house of a sinner where no priest has done before. He would touch the unclean to make them clean. He would turn garbage into gold.

Today, my struggle continues. My faith is being tested. I can't say I'm not afraid anymore. But I am unbreakable. My God is my shield. He holds me so tight, my anxiousness doesn't bother me as much as it does before.

I received 4,000 pesos today. Isn't that amazing? God indeed finds different ways to make my life better. Yesterday, I received 1,000 pesos too. Life is good. I am forever grateful. I did this morning my exercises and yoga. I feel so productive.

I am excited. A friend is visiting from a foreign country. I am making some preparations for Him. I am making Him some little gifts. I hope he appreciate it.

Life is a struggle. I am embracing this struggle because God is preparing me for a better future. Life is meaningless without it. And though I am a sinner, I am not abusing His patience. I know I have to change. Change for the better. I will. I am changed. For the better. For the best. For Christ. For the Father in heaven.

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