When they're sick

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Requested by:  hoesmad707

I hated Ruri-Chan's event at first since it's basically about Levi, who is my least favorite, but then I got so fucking happy because I got to get a kiss from Beel and Lucifer~! I'm still choosing whether I like Beel, Asmo or Lucifer more... I think Beel, he's so adorable.


He will hide in his room, not wanting anyone to see him when he's sick since in his mind it's a sign of weakness. So when you enter, he will immediately act as if he isn't sick, telling you to leave. When you say you came to take care of him, he will keep silent for a while, debating whether he should let you take care of him or not, but then he sends you away, not wanting you to also get sick.


He will act as if he's dying. So much whining. When you annoyed tell him to stop whining, he will gasp then angry yell he doesn't whine. He is very moody when he gets sick so he will be yelling when things don't go his way. When you angry yell for him to get into bed, take his medicine and rest so he can get better faster, he will do it with a lot of angry muttering under his breath. When he gets better, he will awkwardly apologize if he had said anything mean to you.


He will stay in his room, playing games to keep himself distracted from how shitty he fells. So... he basically does nothing different than he normally does. You just have to remind him to eat, drink and take medicine.


He will stay in bed, reading books. He will politely ask you to bring him some food or medicine. When you return with the things he asked for, he will smile and thank you. He likes when you stay with him so he doesn't feel too lonely while he feels so sick. Sometimes he will accidently fall asleep while reading his book so you will put his book away, pull the blanket over him and give his temple a kiss. When Satan wakes up, he will thank you with a blush for tucking him in. When he's not sick anymore, he will hug you and say he's so happy he has such a caring lover.


He will whine about how he feels like shit, how he looks like shit and how he just wants to get better already. He will search up many things on how to get better faster. When you tell him to just get into bed, he will smirk and say gladly if you join him. So the only way for him to lay in bed, is if you also lay aside him. He won't actually make a move on you since he doesn't want you to get sick. He will tell you about the tips he read on the internet and wants you to see which is the best so he can use it after his nap.


He will pout like a little child, worriedly wondering how he got sick. Of course he will turn to food, hoping it will fix it, but it just made it worse since he ate mountains of food. You don't have the heart to scold him for it since he looks so worried and sad so will just put him in his bed and keep him company till he falls asleep. He will fall asleep, holding your hand, not wanting you to leave him.


He will just lay in bed the whole day, happy he finally has a real excuse to stay in bed. When you enter with medicine, he will be quick to turn his back to you and throw his extra pillow behind him, hoping it doesn't hit you but close enough to scare you off as he annoyed yells he doesn't need medicine. After you scold him about how he needs medicine to get better and should eat, he will take it just to shut you up. He likes to pull you down and make you lay down with him. Eventually he will fall asleep, holding you tightly.

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