If you're a masochist

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When you work yourself to the point you're so exhausted or walk all day just so you can feel that painful ache in your legs, he is quick to snatch your arm and drag you to your bed, scolding you the whole way there before pushing you onto your bed so you will lay down and go sleep. So every time you do something masochistic, he will scold you while either dragging you to your bed so you can rest or to the bathroom so he can get the first aid kit and fix your wounds.


When you complain about something, he will tell you to go fix it then, only to groan when you shake your head. So he will offer to help, but you will refuse making him annoyed before he yells he's trying to help. He finds your masochism annoying because he's scared one day you will do something that will seriously damage your body like cutting a vein or damage to the brain.


He began ranting about multiple characters you remind him of. When you get injured, he will stay calm, having seen enough of those characters to know for you this isn't traumatic but enjoyable so he will just calmly take care of your wound. He wants to ask you to stop, but he's too shy to talk about it.


He found out when you fell and badly hurt yourself, but you began laughing with tears rolling down, saying that hurt like a bitch. He watched as you poked the wound, shivering in delight at the pain before pressing on it again. He was quick to take your hand, telling you to stop it before you infect the wound. He thought you were weird and insane, and he felt bad for thinking like that about his lover, but hey, he just seen you badly hurt yourself and now you're enjoying the pain, that is definitely weird. He doesn't really talk about it or think much about it. As long as you don't die or get gravely injured, he doesn't have a problem with it.

Asmo: (Here's the thing with the choking kink, never let a newbie or person you don't trust with it do it to you and definitely do some research about it before you do it! Being choked can be pleasurable for some, but remember, being choked is a very dangerous thing, if your partner accidentally squeezes too hard, many terrible things can happen.)

The action in the bedroom gets real kinky. He is okay with almost anything, as long as he's sure you're okay with it and there is no way it can seriously harm you to the point you would have to go to the hospital. So choking is off the table, he's not okay with that, he fears he might accidentally squeeze too hard and do some serious damage to you.


He learned about it while you were cooking him a meal. He was watching you, impatient for his food. He noticed your hand was burned so he was quick to take it, saying you need to put it under cold water. When you chuckled out it's okay and you're just enjoying the burn, he just stared before asking what you mean. So after you told him you're a masochist, he always checks your body for wounds at the end of the day. He doesn't let you cook him as many meals as you used to cook for him.


When he goes to sleep, he can't keep an eye on you, so he has a simple solution. After making sure there are no objects that can harm you, he will lay on you and go to sleep. When you complained that he's too heavy, he huffed, asking if you wouldn't enjoy this heaviness then. When you hit his head softly, saying that's not how masochism works, he frowned before mumbling you're so weird and going back to sleep.

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