5: Waka Chaka!

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Jim dodged some flames as I took out one of the stands.
I then turned, throwing my hand out to seperate the flames coming towards me.
"Always be afraid! Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive." Blinky stated as I shot into the air, taking out another stand.
Jim was then hit.
"Arrogance gets you killed." Blinky stated, looking down on Jim.
"Yeah, I'll have to remember that." Jim stated when I landed next to him.
I helped him up.
"Draal, however, does not fear you. That will be his weakness, but not you." Blinky stated.
I then let go of Jim as Blinky continued.
"You'll be wetting your armor. That will be your strength!" He stated, making me laugh softly.
Jim then jumped back into action as I folded my wings, stretching my arms.
"Oh, yeah. Looking good, Jimbo! Feel the burn!" Toby shouted.
I rolled my eyes as I flew up to the ledge, grabbing the book.
I opened it up and started reading as the troll symbols turned to english.
I hummed as I turned the page.
"Lady Skylar, training is down here." Blinky stated.
"I'm taking this time to read as well. Besides, I've been training longer than Jim has." I replied, studying the drawings.
I then spotted Draal in the corner of my eye, hearing his laughter.
I flew down quickly, leaving the book on the ledge.
I stood slightly in front of Jim, glaring at the blue troll.
"Look... it's training." Draal stated, looking directly at Jim.
"Back of Draal. Or do we need a repeat of last time?" I asked, studying him.
He growled before walking further away, his eyes leaving mine.
I growled in irritation, watching his form disappear from sight.
I scoffed, stretching out my wings as a distraction.
"Selfish, Arrogant, Hard-headed-" I cut myself off, taking a breath.
"Imbecile." I stated, turning to face Jim.
They stared at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"I've never seen your feathers so ruffled before." Jim stated.
"Oh, haha, making jokes about my wings now. He almost killed you Jim. Course my feathers are going to be ruffled." I stated, rolling my eyes.
"Let your fear keep you alive, let his arrogance lead him astray." Blinky stated, turning to us.
I scoffed, biting my tongue to keep myself quiet.
I stretched out my wings a bit more and shot towards the ledge, grabbing the book and sitting down, ignoring everything else.

We stood in front of the museum with the rest of our history class.
"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe  European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery." The lady finished, making me smile as the rest of the class groaned.
"Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own." Strickler suggested, making the kids disappear quickly.
"Actually, Ms. Nomura, if it's alright, I wouldn't prefer to have a classic tour. If it's not too much trouble." I said, offering a small smile.
"It's no problem at all." She stated.
Strickler decided to tag along as Ms. Nomura gave the tour.
I stopped at a certain pot, admiring the design.
"The detail here is exquisite." I stated, making Ms. Nomura smile.
"I'm glad you think so. Not many enjoy the simple things of history." She stated, making me smile.
"I love history. Each piece tells a different story. Each design is unique, the meaning behind each piece, different. It's a mystery what they truly intended to tell with each line, all we know is that the Renaissance was a time of peace after going through a great hardship. Who knows what they were thinking when they decided to create these pieces of art." I rambled, blushing slightly when I realized I might have said more than I should have.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble." I apologized.
"No, don't apologize. It's refreshing to speak with someone that loves history as much as I do." Ms. Nomura stated.
I smiled softly as we continued with the tour.
Suddenly I heard footsteps running towards us.
I glanced over, seeing Jim and Toby.
"Hey, Skylar. We may have a problem..." Jim whispered.
"What kind?" I asked, frowning.
"Let's finish the tour first, we'll talk about it later." Jim stated, making me nod.
"Is everything alright?" Ms. Nomura asked.
"Yeah, these two just decided to join us." I said, gesturing to the two boys.
She nodded and we continued on.

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