31: Homecoming

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"I mean, who knows if we'll be able to talk again, if or when Gunmar will come out, when they will return with Jim..." I explained.
"Only if you want to." He replied, making me nod.
"I really, really like you Draal. No one has ever made me feel comfortable enough to trust them with everything, except you." I started, my cheeks growing hot.
When he said nothing, I continued.
"It's new for me and to be completely honest... I am terrified because of that. After my father left... I shut down, I blocked everyone out... I couldn't trust anyone, then I met you, not under the best circumstances..." I laughed softly before continuing, "And you gained my trust and that makes me afraid because I am so scared that you will leave too." I stated, blinking away the tears.
"Why would you think that?" He asked, turning to face me.
"My father did... My old friends did... My brother did..." I trailed off, clearing my throat.
"Skylar... I won't leave you as they did." He stated, facing me fully.
A few tears escaped my eyes.
"You can't promise that... especially now with everything going on." I stated as he cupped my face with his metal hand.
"And yet, I promise." He countered, staring into my eyes, determination burning in his.
I pulled him into a hug.
"You are amazing." I stated as he hugged me in return.

A few several minutes later, I was sitting on one of the rocks as Draal paced.
"Hurry, friends. Your time is slipping away." I heard him state.
I summoned one of my swords, messing with it as it reflected the moonlight.
"How much longer?" I asked.
"Twenty five minutes." He replied.
I nodded, watching the bridge as I summoned my other sword, waiting for anything.
I put them down and I freed my wings, stretching them.
"You should stop pacing, you're wasting energy." I said, picking up my swords as I let them disappear along with my wings.
"I can't sit still while their time runs out." Draal stated.
I looked to the amulet.
"I'm counting down. They have twenty minutes left... now. If it dwindles down to ten, then one of us will take the gyre and save them." I replied.
He nodded, sitting down.
We both watched the amulet, the minutes ticking away.

Draal started pacing again.
"Come on! Where are you, fools?" He asked.
It dwindled down to five faster than we expected.
I growled as Draal put the Gyre up right.
I climbed in and started it up as he climbed in.
"Before you say no, I'm driving." I stated.
He snorted, sitting down quickly, making me smirk.
"Let's get this party started." I said, kicking it into gear.
We zoomed through the bridge and we started moving faster.
I spotted a group of gumm-gumms.
"Bowling sounds fun." I stated, heading straight for them.
Some dived out of the way while others didn't and I turned last second, stopping as I met eyes with Jim.
"What are you doing here?" Blinky asked.
"My father said we had a choice. This is our choice. Get in!" Draal ordered..
Everyone piled in.
"Make room for one more. She's coming with us." Jim stated, gesturing to Nomura.
I nodded.
"If you want too." I stated.
"Nomura." I heard Draal state.
I got into gear as Jim climbed in.
"Wait, you're driving?" Blinky asked.
"Get over it." I stated, taking off down the way.
We rolled down, gaining speed as I focused.
"We have one shot! Don't mess up!" I ordered, speeding up.
Jim reached his hand out to her, yelling out her name.
She ran forward before jumping off and grabbing his hand.
He pulled her in and I switched gears, going faster in order to make the curve.
"Hang on tight!" I warned as we started climbing up.
We were then airborn and I pressed a few buttons, switching gears once again.
We landed roughly and I manuevered us around the rocks, heading straight towards the bridge.
I made quick turns before switching gears once more, picking up the speed.
"The Bridge! It's closing!" Draal shouted.
"Go, Go!" Jim encouraged.
I sighed, switching the gear, everything blurring pass as I hit one more button, gaining more speed.
A giant worm thing then stood in our path.
"A Nyarlagroth!" Blinky shouted.
I rolled my eyes.
I grabbed the stick and pushed it forward.
"This might do some damage." I stated.
We then zoomed into it's mouth, rolling through it.
We burst through, halfway in and I stuck the landing, steering us back on course before falling off the edge.
"Brace for impact!" I ordered, switching gears for the last time.
We then burst through the bridge, destroying it in the process, landing roughly.
We all climbed out, the dust clearing.
Jim lay in the dirt, enjoying being home.
I smiled at him.
"Good to have you home, Jim." I stated, making him get up.
"Skylar, I missed you!" He exclaimed, trapping me in a hug.
"I missed you too." I whispered, hugging him back.
Tears escaped my eyes as I smiled.
He pulled away.
"Oh, come on, don't cry." He said, a smile on his face.
"Pfft, as if." I said, wiping my joyful tears away.
In the corner of my eye, I saw Draal offer Nomura his arm.
"What happened to Nomura?" I asked.
"Oh, she broke her leg helping us get out." Jim replied, making me nod.
We then all ran to Arrrgh, having a group hug.
Draal walked over, patting Arrrgh's shoulder.
Jim then pulled away, looking at Nomura.
"You want in?" He asked.
She shook her head.
"That's not my thing. Thank you, little Gynt. I have to hand it to you, you were right." She stated.
"About what?" Jim asked.
"Hope. Friends." She replied.
I pulled away walking over to her, seeing Draal tense in the corner of my eye.
I sat on my knees in front of her.
"Thank you." I said, offering her a smile.
"Thank you for helping get my brother out of there... for risking your life... Thank you so much." I said, gratitude in every word.
She looked at me in shock.
"Last we spoke, we were fighting." She stated.
"We were enemies then. Hopefully we're friends now." I replied.
She nodded, a smile greeting her features.
I then stood up and walked back over to the others.
Jim and Claire ended up kissing on the rock, causing me to look away.
It then dawned on me.
"Guys... We're criminals in Trollmarket now." I stated, dumbfounded.
"Oh no, the Tribunal! They're gonna go crazy town banana pants when they find out what we've been up to!" Toby stated.
"Frankly, who cares?" Blinky asked.
"We have our Trollhunter back." He added, making me smile.

Later that day, Jim and I stood at the front door.
I was waiting for him to open the door.
He grabbed the handle hesitantly.
"You're going to see mom again." I whispered, smiling.
Just then the door opened, Jim falling through.
"Excuse me, where have you two been? You can't just vanish for a whole day without calling! I've been worried sick--" Jim tackled mom into a hug and I let him have his moment before I joined.
Mom was surprised, but hugged us back none the less.
"I-I guess it was only a day." Mom said.
"It's just good to be home, Mom." Jim stated.

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