12: Claire and Present Danger

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We were in Toby's room Jim going on about saving Claire's brother, but I was too focused on what happened earlier...
I had opened my eyes, and I tried to get up, but something was holding me down.
I sighed, rolling over only to meet Draal's chest.
I gasped softly from the shock.
His eyes were closed and my wings were still out.
With slow movements I let my wings disappear and I slipped out of his embrace.
I could feel the heat on my cheeks as he rolled over, facing towards the wall.
I sighed and made my way up the stairs.
"Lady Skylar!" I heard my name be shouted.
I jumped slightly, meeting Blinky's eyes.
I played with the obsidian piece of my necklace, a habit I had picked up for when I was embarrassed, nervous, or just distracted.
"We have asked for your advice on the matter, you weren't answering." He explained.
I cleared my throat.
"Sorry, I was thinking. Um... we shouldn't go through. Gunmar being released upon the world is a great risk and we can't just go in for one child. There could be millions in there, and we can't risk our only upper hand just for one." I stated.
"I know you like Claire, but until we have a better plan. The real Enrique needs to stay there. They are safe there for the time being." I said, interrupting him.
He sighed in defeat.
Just then we heard the gnome chattering, coming outside the dollhouse.
"Chompsky, no! It's too much to ask." Toby stated.
Chompsky chattered some more.
We placed the fetch on the floor and tied him to a rope.
He said his goodbyes to the doll before hopping in.
Suddenly, the rope started pulling.
Everyone held onto Jim, pulling him back as I pulled on the rope with him.
It snapped, making us all fall back.
Not even a few seconds later, NotEnrique showed up at the window.
"Open up! Let me in!" He exclaimed, tapping on the window.
"What's he doing here?" Jim asked, opening the window.
"A goblin came at me. I made mincemeat out of him, but now, the rest of 'em want their pound of flesh. I'm lucky to have escaped with only a soiled diaper." He explained.
Blinky then walked up to him.
"You've drawn the ire of goblin vengeance and have led them here?!" Blinky then grabbed NotEnrique by the throat.
"Blinky, take it easy." Jim ordered, getting between the two.
"Relax!" NotEnrique exclaimed.
"They think the girl did it. Now, they're after her." He added.
Jim then started strangling him.
"They think Claire's responsible? They're gonna go after her!" Jim exclaimed in a paniced anger.
He then grabbed the amulet, deciding to not punch NotEnrique.
"I have to save her! He exclaimed, leaving quickly.
"Ain't no one goin' after him? Bular's got all the bridge pieces." NotEnrique asked.
Toby then grabbed him by the throat.
"They've got every piece of Killahead bridge?" He asked.
"And now, I hear all they need is the boy." NotEnrique stated.
I growled lowly, letting my wings appear.
"I'll watch from above, if he's in trouble, I'll save him." I muttered. I opened the other side of the window before flying out, knocking NotEnrique off the table.
Jim was at Claire's window and I landed next to him.
"I'll be your eyes in the sky, just get her out of here." I said, making him nod.
I nodded in turn and then took off to the sky on silent wings.
Jim was pulled in and he closed the window.
I looked around for the goblins, seeing no sign of them just yet.
I landed quickly, seeing the goblins climbing on the roof.
I opened the window.
"They're here. We gotta go." I whisper-yelled.
"Those are raccoons." Claire stated.
"You're brother! They've taken your brother! Check his crib." Jim said, pointing towards Claire's door.
She ran out and we followed her, me hiding my wings in the process.
She then started hitting Jim, protective of her brother, worried about his disappearance.
"We don't have time for this. If you want your life and your brother. You will come with us." I stated.
We ran out the back door, making sure we wouldn't be seen by Claire's parents.
Jim had hold of Claires hand as I ran behind them, ready to protect them.
"What about my parents?" Claire asked.
"They're not after your parents." Jim replied, turning to her.
Goblins yelling and snarling caught our attention.
"Jim, don't armor up yet." I ordered.
He nodded and we started running into the woods.
"Armor up!" I ordered, causing Jim to pull out his amulet.
He said the chant, but there was no glow.
"Stop it! Jut stop it! You're scaring me!" Claire stated, pulling free from Jim.
"You two and Stricker are into something deep, something I-- I don't understand." Claire stated, causing us to turn to her.
"I heard you. I heard you! And what was that in your basement? I saw something." She went on.
"We'll explain everything once we get you safe. In Trollmarket." I stated, turning to where the Goblins were coming from.
"Trollmarket?" She asked, pulling her arm away from Jim when he tried to grab it.
"We have to keep moving Claire." Jim insisted.
"If they catch us-" Jim was cut off and Goblins were surrounding us.
I growled.
"Waka chaka." One of the goblins stated.
"Those aren't raccoons are they?" Claire asked.
"No." Jim replied.
"Goblins." I corrected.
Jim held his out to Claire and she took it.
We started running again.
They were hot on our trail as we ran through the brush.
We stopped as one ran infront of us.
We turned direction and we crouched down behind a tree.
"I'm scared Jim." Claire whispered, causing Jim to shush her.
"They sense your fear. Relax. Think about your brother being safe and sound." I whispered to her.
"I need to find a weapon." Jim stated.
"Tell me what's going on." Claire insisted as Jim moved away.
I stayed near Claire as Jim moved away.
I heard a goblin and rustling.
I looked over my shoulder, seeing Claire moving towards it.
She screamed when it dropped down infront of her.
I rushed in front of her, grabbing a stick and hitting the goblin with all my force, flinging it off into the woods.
I held up my stick as Jim pulled Claire to him, telling her to stay close as he held up his own stick.
Goblins started attacking us, surrounding us.
Jim and I fended them off.
"Skylar, now would be a good time to use your abilities." Jim stated.
"Sure, when you equip your armor." I said, hitting two goblins and kicking one away.
Claire was standing there, questioning her reality.
Jim was then pinned down and Claire had grabbed a stick, hitting the goblin in the head as I fought off some more.
"It's fake." Jim said, holding up the amulet.
I growled, throwing a goblin into another one, making them roll into a tree.
"Well, I think we're doing fine for now." I stated, hitting a goblin that tried to attack me from above.
Jim threw the amulet as we pulled closer together, goblins closing in.
Claire picked up some rocks as I glared at the goblins, watching them.
Jim was pinned, but I was dealing with goblins myself.
Claire threw her rocks, hitting the goblins.
I growled, standing infront of the two.
"For the glory of merlin... Where are you?!" I heard Jim shout behind me.
In the corner of my eye, I saw a blue streak heading towards us.
"Catch!" I shouted.
Goblins piled onto Jim, but he caught the amulet.
The armor appeared as he floated.
I revealed my wings, throwing my hands out to my sides, rocks lifting into the air.
I shot them towards the goblins as Jim used his swords.
Soon the goblins were gone, making me fold my wings.
Claire walked up to Jim, putting her hand on his chest.
I rolled my eyes at them.
Just then another goblin made it's attack on Jim.
With one quick movement, he sliced his sword through the air, hitting the goblin.
Jim started answering her questions, making her hyperventalate.
"This is---"
"Take a breath." Jim and I interrupted.
I sighed when she moved away.
"You handle this, I'll make sure there's no more goblins." I stated.
He nodded and I shot into the air, avoiding branches.
I landed when I saw Ms. Nomura.
I heard the whistling first.
"You need to run. Run home and don't look back." Jim ordered to Claire.
"I'm not leaving." She stated, picking up a stick.
"Who's whistling?" She asked.
The whistling continued and I let fire engulf my wings, lighting up the area.
I heard Claire gasp, but I ignored it, keeping my other senses open.
Watching, waiting.
She then jumped down infront of us, her green eyes glowing with her toothy grin.
"How cute." She said before chuckling.
"And they say chivalry is dead." She added, grabbing her weapons.
Jim yelled for to Claire to run and I closed my eyes, the fire going out.
I focused on the image of a sword, my metal ability coming into use.
I opened my eyes as there was a purple glow froming in my hand, a sword taking place.
I tested it quickly before circling her with Jim.
"Skylar, go protect Claire. Just in case." He ordered.
I nodded and flapped my wings, flying on my back before turning in the air and rushing towards Claire.
I landed next to her, making her jump.
She almost screamed, but I put a hand to her mouth.
"Quiet." I said.
She nodded and I removed my hand before we started walking.
I kept my senses open as she stared at me.
"Why doesn't Jim have wings? And why don't you have armor?" She asked.
"We have different amulets, therefore, different abilities." I replied.
We made it to the line of her backyard.
"You go inside, I need to check on Jim." I stated, making her nod and run towards her house.
I flew through the woods and saw Jim.
Nomura was in a tree, getting ready to attack.
I picked up my speed and blocked her attack with my sword, flying past Jim.
I crash-landed, but got up quickly.
She started attacking Jim, targeting the amulet.
She then kicked him into a tree and I flew over, rolling on the ground and grabbing the amulet before she could.
I growled as we made eye contact.
I tried getting up, but I couldn't stand on my foot.
I fell and groaned as my wings disappeared.
Nomura put her foot on Jim.
"A human Trollhunter?" She chuckled.
"That must've broken Draal's heart." She added.
I then stood up, putting weight on my bad foot.
It made me wince from the pain, but I soon grew used to it.
She knocked Jim out and started to drag him.
I let my wings appear and I flew towards her, knocking her off Jim and pushing her against the tree.
I waved my hand, making her swords fly from her hands.
"Never. Come. Near. My. BROTHER!" I shouted.
I pulled her away from the tree and threw my hand out, hitting her stomach.
She flew back due to the force of the air ability.
I waved her swords towards me and I flung them towards her direction.
I walked over to my brother, letting my wings disappear.
I fell to my knees, letting out a cry of pain.
I pulled Jim close to me.
"You're going to be okay." I whispered.
"This way!" I heard Claire yell.
"Jim!" Toby's voice yelled.
"Hurry! They're over here." Claire yelled.
I saw them and I sighed with relief as Mr. Nunez kneeled down in front of me.
Toby then ran towards us and I could see black spots fill my vision.
"Skyl-" I felt myself fall, the world drowning out around me.

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