38: Night Patrol (Season Three)

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I was flying above Jim and Claire as they chased after a Gumm-gumm.
I was the eyes of the operation in case something went wrong.
The Gumm-gumm ran into a car, making me sigh as I dived down through the trees.
I shot back up when Claire moved to make a portal.
When Blinky grabbed the wrong sign, I landed just as Jim turned it to stone.
"That was too close, from now on we double check where we put signs." I said, making them nod.
We then cleared the area when the lights turned on.
I followed, flying just above them.
"If only Arcadia knew your mom's campaign was actually keeping them safe." Jim stated.
"The signs are no real defense, Master Jim. Merely a Gumm-Gumm deterrent." Blinky put in.
I then looked to Claire.
She wasn't looking too good.
"Judging from tonight. I don't know how much longer your sleepy little town will be safe." Blinky added, catching my attention.
"That Gumm-Gumm, you think he was once one of you?" Claire asked.
Arrrgh hummed.
"Gunmar turn friends. Sad." He stated, making me nod.
"We can't think that way, guys." Toby stated, his voice a little muffled, but echo-y in the Gumm-Gumm mask.
"He saw where we were hiding the trolls. He would've told Gunmar." He wnet on.
"And since he's taken the Heartstone, he has only grown stronger, making his defeat even more difficult, if not impossible." Blinky said as I landed on the edge, my wings disappearing.
I sighed, sitting down, letting my feet hang in the air as I kicked them back and forth.
Toby Grunted, taking off the Helmet.
"For weeks, Gunmar's been sending his minions to do his dirty work. Why doesn't he come up himself? What's he waiting for?" Toby asked.
"Sadly, that is the question Arcadia's fate hangs upon. What is Gunmar plotting next?" Blinky replied with.
I sighed.
"I remember reading about the battle of Killahead, with Deya the Deliverer. It said somewhere about something called the Eternal Night. When we were in the Janus order, Otto said something about that too." I said, shrugging, though I must've whispered it as no one seemed to hear.
I haven't been talking much really, haven't been enjoying anything either.
I shrugged it off as Claire coughed.
"Well, this stalemate is torture." She stated when she was done.
"I don't know how many more of these late night study sessions I have in me." She added.
Arrrgh hummed again, catching our attention as he put on the Gumm-Gumm helmet.
"Hey! You look just like a Gumm-Gumm." Toby stated.
"Yes." Arrrgh replied.
"No. Too risky. You can't spy on Gunmar." Jim stated.
"We lost you once, old friend. We cannot lose you again." Blinky added.
"Gunmar strong! Do nothing, Gunmar grow stronger!" Arrrgh countered, taking it off.
"My choice!" He added.
"It would be a waste of a hulking brute." Claire put in.
"You get in, you get out. No unnecessary risks." Jim bargained.
Toby then ran over and hugged him.
"Wingman." Arrrgh stated, hugging him back.
The bell then started tolling, catching my attention.
"There's our cue. We shall head back to our refuge. Will you be joining?" Blinky asked.
"Go on. I wanna enjoy the sunrise while we still have 'em." Jim replied.
I sighed, moving over as they stood next to me.

Jim and I then walked into the house, using the back door.
I closed it behind us as Jim yawned, groaning afterward.
Jim went into the frisge, grabbing a turkey leg and the milk carton.
Just then we heard a bang from the basement.
I opened the door slowly, the clattering continuing.
I frowned and Jim and I exchanged a look before we started walking down the stairs.
We then saw mom bending over, picking something up.
Jim gasped.
"Oh, hey, kiddos!" She greeted, smiling.
"Uh... Mom? What are you doing home? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Jim asked.
"Oh, gosh. I must've lost track of time." She said.
"Are you painting?" Jim asned I asked, continuing down the stairs.
She chuckled.
"Well, if you can call it that." She replied.
I walked to one side of her as Jim walked to the other.
I was the first to look at the painting.
"Come on, don't sell yourself short. I'm sure--" He cut himself off, looking at it.
It was Blinky.
"Whoa! Whoa! No, no, no,no, no." Jim paniced.
"Is it that bad?" She asked.
"No, no. It's-It's, uh... It's-it's thought-provoking." Jim decided.
"It looks great." I said softly.
Mom sighed.
"I don't know what came over me. I had this vivid dream last night and woke up with the urge to express myself. So, I'm painting." Mom explained.
"You... You dreamed this?" Jim asked.
"Better get going. I can drive you to school on my way to the hospital." Mom suggested.
"Actually, I promised Claire I'd walk her. I was just on my way." Jim stated, making me roll my eyes.
"Oh. and they say chivalry is dead." Mom stated.
"I'm taking my board." I replied, following her up the stairs.
I grabbed my headphones from my bag, putting them on as I grabbed my board.
I started playing music as I skated through town, towards school.
When I got there, I flipped up my board, shoving it in my locker and leaning against it for a moment.
I let out a sigh before pushing away from it.
I walked up to Claire and Jim only for Claire and I to be immediately pulled away.
"Check out the hot sauce that showed up at our front door." She said, dragging us with her.
"Uh, why am I being dragged with?" I asked.
"Cause you're one of us now." She replied.
"What?" I asked, frowning.
I got no answer as she dragged us through the crowd.
Claire dropped her things and I started helping her, only for... some guy to start helping too.
They met eyes, and Claire blushed, making me roll my eyes as I elbowed her, handing her the books and papers I grabbed.
They stood up together after I did.
"C-bomb, is it?" He asked.
"Consider me blown away, because you are nuclear." He said.
I rolled my eyes again as Claire chuckled.
Jim then walked up.
"So, uh... What brings you to our humble school?" He asked, putting his arm around Claire.
"And what'll it take to send you back?" He added, pushing him a step back.
Claire then coughed, making Jim concerned.
"The Battle of the Bands is coming up. Ash Dispersal Pattern, that's my band, will be crushing it, but we're encouraging others to give it a shot." He explained, handing Claire and I a flyer.
Claire then gasped.
"Didn't you open up for Papa Skull at the Boxtop? You were sick!" Claire exclaimed before sneezing.
Whoever this guy was chuckled.
"Well, it looks like I'm not the only one. " He said.
Claire chuckled, Jim joining in sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.
Darcy then ran over, saying they should enter as I took a step back from them.
"Count me out." I said, grabbing my phone to start playing my music again.
Just then, the rando placed his hand over mine.
"You should give it a shot. It could be fun." He stated.
I scoffed.
"I'm not interested. I have actual responsibilties to do and I don't have the time to squeeze in some rehearsals for some stupid competition." I said, pulling my hand away from him.
"Skylar." Claire said, making me roll my eyes as she pleaded me with hers to be nicer.
I looked back to the boy.
"I'm sure it's fun for you, but it's not my thing. So leave me alone." I stated, playing the music and walking off.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around, lifting my fist, only to stop when I saw it was Jim.
I lowered my hand, shrugging off his and stalking off.

After school I was helping Blinky around the safe haven while waiting for Jim.
Soon enough, Jim came in, but we didn't speak as he immediately helped Blinky hand out socks to everyone.
Arrrgh came in and we walked over.
"Arrrgh! Ha! You're back! What word did you bring, old friend?" Blinky asked.
"Two word. Eternal Night." Arrrgh replied, making me frown and Blinky gasp.
So I was on to something.
"Just how bad are those words?" Jim asked.
"Oh, the very worst." Blinky replied.
"The mere reason we locked Gunmar in Killahead was that he was trying to bring... the Enternal Night." He explained, whispering the last three words before continuing, "The time where trolls would reclaim the surface from mankind. The good news is that the Eternal Night is just a lore, a myth used as a rallying cry to unite trolls against humans. Gunmar doesn't actually know how to bring such calmaty, does he, Arrrgh?" Blinky asked, making sure he was correct.
"No. But searching." Arrrgh replied.
"Okay, then we have time on our side. Arrrgh, you did well, but I need you back there to be our ear to the ground. Can you do that?" Jim asked.
"Glad to.' Was the reply.

Jim took Claire's watch as I took my spot on the roof.
I did this every night, even though they insisted I get some rest too, but I haven't been tired lately.
And when I did get sleep, I only had nightmares of Draal throwing me against the lockers and walking pass me.
I growled, opening my wings when I saw Jim pull out his amulet, Gumm-Gumms standing in front of him.
I flew down, summoning my swords as fire engulfed my wings once more, metal forming along them for some kind of armor.
I have been training myself to use more then one ability at a time.
So far, only fire and metal were working out.
We were shot back, making Blinky run in and close the door.
"We've been comprimised! We must defend our ground!" He ordered.
"Trolls, stand with me! For tonight, we-" He was cut off by a gumm-gumm opening the door as I stood.
Arrrgh was the first to attack and I went next, Jim following in suit.
I blasted a few with balls of light, turning them to stone, but causing the fire to extinguish and the metal plating to go away.
I then started fighting another with my swords.
Everyone was retreating to the sewers and Jim had turned a few to stone already.
Just then Draal rolled in, jumping onto the boxes.
But it was Gunmar laughing.
"I told you this husk wouldn't stop coming after you." He said, making me grit my teeth as I exchanged my swords for a shield.
"But you let Draal live. Now you will die!" He shouted, rolling towards us.
I growled, jumping in front of Jim as he jumped out of the way.
Draal hit the shield and I moved, allowing him to pass, he then went to hit Jim, but he rolled away, getting back to his feet.
I flew next to Jim, summoning my swords as he grabbed a Gumm-Gumms spear.
We fought.
When Jim stepped away to dodge, I would jump in and Jim would do the same as Draal only went after him.
"Skylar, go make sure the others are safe!" Jim ordered as I was blocked.
I glanced at him, looking back to Draal.
"Just don't kill him!" I shouted before moving over to see Arrrgh, Blinky, and NotEnrique.
Blinky decided to go help Jim.
I sighed, deciding to follow them, leaving it up to Arrrgh and NotEnrique.
I had to make sure Draal and Jim weren't hurt.
I followed Blinky to the roof.
I flew up to see Jim being held over the edge.
I started helping Blinky push the sigh over as Jim fought Draal.
I sighed when I saw Jim stand in the dust.
Draal was trapped under the sign.
Jim summoned his sword and walked over to him.
I flew down and landed beind Jim.
"Master Jim! Don't do it!" I heard Blinky shout.
"Do it, Trollhunter! If you think your armor's too much to shoulder today, I'll make sure it'll break you tomorrow!" Gunmar stated through Draal.
"I found you once. I will find you again. Kill him!" He added.
I walked up, putting a hand on his shoulder, making him look to me.
I pleaded him with my eyes, tears brimming the corners.
Jims armor then glowed and he lowered the sword.
He then put it away, looking to Draal.
"I'm the Trollhunter." He stated.
He then turned to leave as I stared down at Draal.
"Master Jim, Lady Skylar. We must leave at once." Blinky stated.
I glanced over at him, looking back and opening my wings.
"We'll get you back. I promise." I whispered before flying after them.

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