56: Killahead {Part 2}

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I was fighting two Gumm-Gumms, dodging one as I blocked the other.
I sliced one down blocking the other again, Jim jumping in and helping.
We nodded to eachother and I shot a blast of electricty at one behind Claire.
Douxie and I were then back to back.
"I never liked you." I stated as I shot at two in front of me.
"I can't imagine why!" He stated.
"Maybe we can be friends after this!" I shouted as I jumped over him, blasting one as it went to strike as he turned, taking care of two more.
"I would like that!" He stated.
We then broke apart as I charged at three and he called Archie, the familiar, to help.
Yes, I got his name before the battle.
I took care of four as they surrounded me and darted into the air as one broke through them to get at me.
I grabbed their arm and through him into another, blasting them as I blocked another attack.
Hisirdoux and Merlin ran off to fight Morgana as Jim, Claire, and myself stayed to hold the bridge.
I was cutting through the Gumm-Gumms with easy, but there was too many.
I barely was able to dodge, going Matrix style as a Gumm-Gumm sliced the spear through the air.
Once the spear passed I jumped up, kicking them in the face and landed before blasting them as they hit the ground.
I was cutting through the Gumm-Gumms as the Arcane order appeared, making me growl as I pushed a Gumm-Gumm back.
I then spotted Gumm-Gumms going to take out the bridge, some holding Jim and Claire hostage.
I was then surrounded my Gumm-Gumms.
Suddenly, a horn sounded and we all turned to look.
"Hey! Need some help? Because I brought some friends." Callista announced.
I smirked and shot into the air, blasting the Gumm-Gumms that had surrouned me.
"I suppose we do!" I shouted back, dodging a Gumm-Gumm in the process.
They then charged forward, Callista putting on her armor.
She helped free Jim and Claire with ease, saying her name was Deya.
I smirked as I fought on.
I spotted Draal, fighting a Stalkling.
He punched it, taking it down as I flew over, taking care of the Gumm-Gumm behind him before landing.
I shot at a few Gumm-Gumms as he finished off the Stalkling.
"You fight well." He stated as we fought off the Gumm-Gumms surrounding us.
"Same for you." I stated.
After this area was finished.
"It's good having you back." I stated without thinking.
"What?" He asked.
I pointed to Deya as she delivered her speech.
"Come, my brothers and sisters! I know you're afraid, but never foget that fear is the precurseor to valor." She stated.
She was the first to charge forward and we followed her.
I clashed with a Gumm-Gumm as Deya made her way to Gunmar.
They pushed me back and went to slash, but I quickly jumped onto the spear and slashed my sword against it.
Before it fell, I jumped onto its head and jumped off, opening my wings and slashing a Gumm-Gumm charging at Jim from the side.
We shared a look before he threw his weapon behind me and I blasted behind him.
I grabbed his weapon, tossing it back before blasting another that charged at me.
I landed only for my eyes to widen when I felt something slice through the air, against my wings.
I fell to my knees, turning quickly and blasting the gumm-gumm.
I opened my wings, checking them.
There was a lot of blood.
I started focusing on healing them, blasting whatever came my way while I was down.
One of them then grabbed me from behind as soon as I finished healing, their arm around my neck.
My hands went their arm, trying to pull them off as another one came at me.
I closed my eyes, summoning all my strength.
I opened my eyes with a battle cry, all the colors swirling together as the both of them turned to stone, some around me turning to stone as well.
I extended my wings as I saw an onslaught of Gumm-Gumms charging straight at me, Gunmar pointing his sword towards me before blocking Deya's attack.
I growled, darting into the air before folding my wings around me.
I flew towards them in a bullet-like fashion, turning them all to stone as the colorful light followed after me because of my glowing wings.
I broke through the stone as each Gumm-Gumm in my way turned.
Once I was done, I opened my wings, stopping myself as I landed.
The light died out just as I witnessed Deya put the amulet in the bridge.
She flew back and the portal to the Darklands opened.
I flew up into the air, fighting the force as I pulled away from it.
Deya kicked Gunmar into the portal and it all came to an end.
The amulet gave off a blue glow, sending one last force through as it closed the portal.
I landed, sighing with relief.
Deya and I simply nodded to each other as I folded my wings.
I then felt someone walk up behind me.
I looked over, meeting Draal's eyes.
"I never did get your name." He stated.
I smiled softly.
"I'm just the Nightwatcher." I replied with.
I went to turn away, but I stopped.
"I have a question to ask you." I stated, making him snort.
"If you had been cut with a blade that had Creepers sun poison, would you want to come back to be with the one you love?" I asked.
"Does she share the same feelings?" He asked.
"Probably more so." I replied.
"Then yes. I would want to be there for her again." He stated.
Jim then waved me over and I nodded once to Draal before walking away.

We were then back at the castle, Douxie getting everything ready for us to leave.
"Everybody, ready yourselves. We don't have much time. I'll dial us in for when we left." He explained.
"But what's gonna happen when we get there? The danger we escaped, it'll be waiting for us. And Jim's still hurt." Claire asked.
"Claire, about that... Jim is-"
"Ready to face the inevitable." Jim stated, cutting Douxie off.
"Jim, are you sure?" Douxie asked.
"Jim?" Claire asked as I leaned against the wall while he sighed.
"Claire, the shard in... there is no cure." Jim said softly.
She gasped.
"That's what Merlin told me ealier." Jim stated.
"That's crazy! We can find something! I'll learn a spell. We can stay here." She insisted.
"If we don't all go back right now, the future won't exist. And what kind of hero would I be if I sacrificed everyone else? Not to be ironic, but we're out of time." Jim stated.
I stayed silent.
"I promised I would return you home, and I am, but the portal can only stay open for a few moments. This is our one shot. Trust me." Douxie insisted.
Jim took Douxie's hand and they shook once.
"Hey Jim, if you die before we get tacos and enchiladas, I won't be very happy." I stated as we got in.
"You still remember that?" He asked.
"I remember every word." I replied, smiling softly as Douxie was talking to himself.
Douxie then opened the portal and we climbed into the ship.
"How was talking to Draal again?" Jim asked hesitantly.
"I made my piece, and once this is all over, maybe I can ask Blinky about what the ingredients were to counteract Creepers sun poison. I can only remember the one thing." I stated, shrugging.
"What would Draal think of it?" Jim asked, making me smile softly.
"Draal would enjoy being back." I replied.
We then flew through the time rift, it closing not even a moment after.

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