BONUS SCENES (Mostly for Laughs)

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Skylar sat next to Blinky as he looked through mutiple books while she flipped through one.
She then stopped, turning to look at Blinky, brows furrowed.
"Did your parents name you blinky because you have six eyes? If so, why did they name your brother Dictatious?" She suddenly asked, making the troll stop and look up at her, blinking slowly as he tried to comprehend the question she had just asked.


Skylar was in Trollmarket, laughing silently to herself when she had realized something.
"What is so humorous?" Draal asked, looking her way.
"Nothing." She replied, a big smile on her face.
"Just the fact that trolls are living under a bridge." She added before she started laughing again, making him look at her in confusion as Jim face-palmed.


Douxie and Skylar are hanging out at the cafe he works at, sitting at an outside table.
"Remember that time when I told you not to set fire to the bookstore?"She suddenly asked.
Douxie sighed.
"Skylar plea-"
"And you still set fire to the bookstore?" She then asked, interrupting him.


Skylar was sitting on the couch as she watched Gunrobot 4.
"Skylar, can you take out the trash, please?" Her mother asked from the kitchen.
Skylar smirked before walking over.
"Sure mom." She stated, grabbing Strickler by the arm and dragging him towards the door.
"Skylar!" Barbara shouted.


Skylar was showing her mom the pictures.
"And this is when I was fighting Angor Rot." Skylar stated.
"You took a picture while you were fighting?" Her mom asked in disbelief.
"I told you I'd find time to take pictures while we're fighting for you." Skylar replied.
Barbara stared at her daughter wondering where she had gone wrong.


Vendel walked up to stand beside Skylar as they watched Jim barely dodge the rocks, getting hit by more than a few.
"What is he even doing?" Vendel asked.
"His best." Skylar replied.
They then glanced at eachother.
"He'll get better?" Skylar tried in a questioning tone, making Vendel sigh and walk away.
She then turned to her brother, giving him a thumbs up.
He gave one in return, only to be hit in the face with a rock, making Skylar wince as he hit the floor.


Everyone entered the trashed area that was once the Janus Order.
"What are all these skeletons doing here?" Claire asked.
"Honestly, not much." Skylar replied, nudging a skull with her foot as everyone stared at her.


Skylar was petting a cat as she held her bowl of spaghetti.
Arrrgh then walked into the room, sniffing the air.
"What do you have there?" Arrrgh asked, making Skylar move the kitten off her lap and hiding the furry thing in her jacket.
"Spaghetti." She replied.


"So why didn't you like me on our first encounter?" Douxie asked one day as everyone was gathered around, playing a game together.
Skylar turned her gaze to the wizard, narrowing her eyes.
"You were flirting with my brother's girlfriend and I have shipped them for years and there was no way I was going to let you ruin a ship I had wanted to see happen ever since they first met." She replied.
She then smiled, taking her turn.
"Luckily, we don't have to worry about that now. And if we did..." She trailed off, glaring at Douxie.
"I would have to kill you." She finished.
Douxie swallowed thickly.
"So, back to the game..." Douxie stated, taking his turn.


"Skylar... How did you find time to study?" Claire asked when everyone was in the living room.
"How did I find time to take pictures while fighting?" Skylar then asked them.
"You took pictures?" Toby asked.
"Exactly." Skylar stated, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.


Skylar was sitting across from Strickler as he sat next to her mom.
"That's a nice-"
"Nuh-uh." Skylar interrupted him.
"I'll admit, some mistakes were made." Strickler stated.
"Murders. Some murders were made." Skylar corrected before looking at her Mom.
"Murders." She repeated.


"Author, I don't understand how none of us see Strickler pushing Bular away in the window." Skylar said, looking at the Author that was sitting in a directors chair with a microphone.
"Because Skylar, it'll ruin everything." The author replied.
"Alright, big guy, keep it moving." Strickler said, pushing Bular away as the large troll stared at the Author with an unamused look as he passed.
The author sighs.
"Everyone take five..." She said softly.
"Wait, we're not real?" Steve suddenly asked, popping into the scene.
"Tis the sad truth of it." The author replied.

13(Part 1):

"Skylar!" Barbara called out, a book in her hand.
Said girl raced down the stairs, tripping and rolling to the bottom.
She hopped to her feet.
"Yeah? What up?" Skylar asked.
Her mom studied her for a moment.
"I think you should read this." She stated, handing her daughter the hard cover book.
"Anger managment." Skylar read, slowly lifting her head to look at her mom.
"Thanks." She said before walking up the stairs, looking at her mom, unamused.

13(Part 2):

Skylar sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine.
"Skylar, have you seen Walt?" Barbara asked, looking at her daughter.
"I have." She replied.
She didn't explain farther.
"Oh yeah, thanks for the book. It really does help with my anger issues." Skylar said, making her mother look at her.
"It did?" She asked.
"Yeah. Look in the kitchen." Skylar said.
She furrowed her brows before walking over, seeing Strickler laying there, the book next to his head.
A bump had formed.
"Skylar!" She exclaimed, looking back to her daughter.
"I had the book for anger management and I managed my anger." Skylar said, looking at her mom, seeing her unamused look.


Well, this is the official end.
Thank you all for staying with me until the end.
I hope you enjoyed this long adventure with my little twist.
I honestly thought this all would have ended in flames, but somehow, so many of you have actually taken the time to read this.
I can't thank you all enough.
I will be working on something else later on if you want to read more of what I write.
I haven't decided what exactly, but I will figure it out.
Again thank you, and have a great day.
Until next time.

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