28: Skullcrusher

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I sat behind a rock, listening to Vendel and Usurna.
Claire soon joined me as we shared a look.
"The Trollhunter has gone too far. The denizens of Trollmarket will not be safe until Killahead Bridge is destroyed once and for all." Usurna stated.
"You know as well as I, Usurna, the pieces cannot be destroyed." Vendel tried.
"No... but they can be thrown into a hole so deep that no living thing can hope to find them." Usurna said.
She seemed to have all this thought out.
Was this her plan all along?
"And I suppose you know of such a place. I cannot agree to this! You are signing the boy's death warrant!" Vendel exclaimed.
"He signed it himself the moment he cross into the Darklands. The edict has already been made. Killahead Bridge will never be found again." Usurna stated, seeming done with the conversation.
Claire gasped.
"Think of the girl. She begged for just a moment longer and you destroyed the bridge in front of her. Her brother was right there, almost out, yet you destroyed it. That has destroyed her more than it did when he left her behind." Vendel went on.
Claire then summoned a shadow portal and we jumped through.

I walked up to my room, music blasting loudly in my ears as I dropped my skateboard.
"Skylar, what did I say about that being in the house?" I heard mom ask.
I shrugged, continuing up the stairs.
I closed my door behind me and lay on my bed, staring up at the cieling.
The door then opened, but I made no move to address who ever it was.
Mom walked over and gently took off the headphones, making me sit up.
"I'm going to work now. Promise me you'll be alright?" She asked, cupping my cheek as she looked at me in worry.
I nodded, my eyes drifting to her neck where the wound was.
I then met her eyes again.
"Have a good night, don't over-work yourself too much." I whispered.
She nodded, kissing my forehead and then leaving.
As soon as she closed the door, I grabbed my headphones and put them back on.
I fell asleep.

My phone then buzzed, interupting my music and waking me in the process.
I sighed, disconnecting my headphones and answering it.
"Skylar, come to Trollmarket, please" Toby's voice rang.
"I'll be there." I replied.
I opened my wings, opening the window before jumping out.
I landed and walked into Trollmarket, making sure to close it behind me.
I walked down the steps, towards where the others were.
"On without Jim. Don't worry, Vendel. We've accepted the Tribunal's decision." Claire stated.
"You're giving up?" I asked, causing everyone to look at me.
"I wish it were different, but, to go against the Elder Word, is to court treason, war." Vendel stated as my hands started shaking.
I shoved them into my pockets, not knowing what to feel in this moment.
"Jim put more than himself in danger by going into the Darklands. We all have to live with the consequences." Claire stated.
I scoffed.
"Easy for you to say. You have your brother back." I muttered.
"Very well. Tidy away." Vendel stated before walking off.
I turned on my heel, but Claire stopped me, telling me of her plan.
I turned back to her, trapping her in a hug as tears escaped my eyes.
"Thank you." I stated, pulling away with a smile.
"Oh my gosh. We're gonna steal a bridge! Magic bridge heist!" Toby exclaimed.
"Come on, T.P., we gotta get to class. You coming today, Skylar?" Claire asked turning to me.
I nodded slightly.
"T.P.?" Toby asked.
"Toby Pie." Claire and I stated as we started walking.
I adjusted my bag as we walked through Trollmarket, putting my wings away.
"I don't like it. Mm-mm." Toby stated, making claire chuckle.
"Don't fight it." She said.

When we got to school, everybody was talking about Jim.
"The 'Save Jim' bake sale was a massive success. Together, we will find a cure for this rare and sudden disease. That is all, thank you." Uhl said over the speakers.
Everyone came up to me, wishing Jim the best and giving me their condolences.
I only nodded, saying thank you softly, and moving on.
I then saw Steve messing with Toby.
I growled, walking up to him.
I punched him across the face.
"Back off!" I yelled, helping Toby up.
Steve glared at me as he got up, walking away.
I then turned to Toby.
"You gotta stand up for yourself." I stated.
"I'm not like you and Jim, I'm just a sidekick." He stated.
"You're not a sidekick. You're a Trollhunter too and with Jim gone, we need to be stronger than ever." I stated.
Claire then got a call from NotEnrique and we all ran off to a secluded spot.

We have been walking for a while now, I wasn't necessarily listening as I had flashbacks of Jim.
"You think this is secluded enough?" Claire asked, shining a light around.
I looked around.
"For a magic bridge? This far out, we could hide a few dead bodies." Toby stated, bumping into Claire, causing them both to scream.
Toby then chuckled nervously.
"All right, let's do this quick. Making portals is exhausting, and I don't know how many I've got in me." Claire stated.
"I can probably take five at a time with my abilities, six if I carry a box too." I stated as she focused.
Claire nodded making a portal.
I opened my wings a flew through.
Claire then appeared.
"Where's Toby?" I asked.
"He's staying behind as my emotional anchor." She replied, making me nod as I started lifting the boxes.
"Yeah, five." I stated, feeling the stone weigh it down.
"You can't lift more?" She asked, looking around.
"Magic stone that build a magic bridge. You try to lift one." I replied, picking up another box.
I flew through, setting the boxes down before heading back in.
I hummed as I flicked my wrist, sending a few boxes through the portal.
"Found a faster way." I stated, lifting up two and sending them through.
I gasped as we started turning.
Claire formed another portal and I thrust my hands forward, sending more then five through.
I was panting as I helped them lift a box, sending more out as water started filling the area.
I could feel us sinking faster and faster and it got harder for me to get the boxes out.
"Skylar, we need you to give it your all. Please, think about Jim. The bridge being destroyed." Claire went on.
I closed my eyes.
The images flashing quickly before my eyes.
I growled, opening my eyes.
Claire gasped as I spread my wings, the boxes floating up.
I threw them though the portal falling to my knees once I was done, the glow going away as I panted.
The portal closed and Claire tried opening it back again, but she couldn't.
"Right. I knew you'd get us killed!" NotEnrique exclaimed as I panted, trying to catch my breath.
"You want to know the truth? Fine. About to die, anyway. I decided to stick around 'cause you're a pushover. I can do whatever I want, and you're too weak to stop me!" He went on, making Claire angry.
It always came down to this.
"Excuse me? How dare you!" She exclaimed.
"I use your toothbrush to clean me ears. I steal cash from your purse. And you know your lucky Papa Skulls Jacket?" NotEnrique asked.
Oh no...
"I like to call that my snot rag! Hilarious!" He stated laughing.
"Ugh! Why, you... you..." She trailed off seeing her staff.
"You baby genius!" She stated.
"Yeah, I know. Now, come on! We've just got a few more!" NotEnrique stated.
I slowly stood up as Claire made her portal, lifting up a few boxes from the ones that were left.
"Wait a minute. You didn't really do that stuff, right?" Claire asked.
"Uh, don't ue your toothbrush." NotEnrique admitted.
More water started filling quicker, one more crate left.
I huffed, trying to lift it as they got ontop of the box.
I put my arms down, feeling drained.
"I'll do my best to stop the water, just get that crate out of here." I ordered, throwing my hands out.
The water rushed to the sides, evening us out as sank.
I moved my hands up, forming walls of water.
I was shaking as I strained.
I stretched my wings, letting them out as they enhanced my power.
Claire stuggled as I did, NotEnrique trying to encourage Claire.
My eyes started glowing blue as I forced myself to keep going.
Claire dove under that water as it filled up, slower, but not slow enough.
I took a deep breath of air as the water rose above me.
She formed a portal and we fell throw, water rushing out with us.
I landed roughly, exausted as I took in a deep breath of air.
I coughed, my lungs feeling like they were on fire.
I couldn't move as dark spots filled my vision.
"Anything... for Jim." I mumbled as I heard them celebrating around me.
I let out a sigh, closing my eyes as I let my wings disappear.
"Skylar, you awake?" Toby asked.
I hummed in reply, lifting my hand up in a thumbs up.

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