34: Just Add Water

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I woke up late, in a hurry to get to school.
"Skylar, you're late and you didn-"
"I'll eat later! I have to get to school!" I shouted, throwing on my bag and running out the door.
I hopped on my board and sprouted my wings when I was out of sight.
I then dropped to the ground, skating the rest of the way to school.
I threw my board into my locker and ran into the school.
I threw the door open, seeing coach Lawrence as Eli and Steve shout the word 'What'.
All eyes were then on me.
"I am so sorry I'm late. I... uh... had a late night. Slept through my alarm." I stated, growing awkward towards the end.
He shoved a bag of flour towards me.
"Congratulations Skylar, you're now a single mother." He stated.
"Great." I stated, taking it and sitting down at my desk.
I looked around, seeing everyone personalizing the bag of flower.
I sighed, grabbing my markers and getting to work.

Later on, I had left my board at home after school and was heading to the restraunt Jim had invited me too.
"I can't believe we have to do this for a grade." I stated to myself, rolling my eyes.
I arrived, seeing all four, an extra chair pulled up.
I sat down, putting the bag in my lap.
"Skylar, how are you coping with being a single mom?" Darci asked.
"It's a bag of flour. It's not hard to take care of it." I stated.
I then saw the bag she was holding.
"What happened to yours?" I asked.
"Steve bumped into me and I stabbed it with a marker by accident." Toby explained.
I nodded.
"And, not to mention, Logan and Mary already killed theirs." Darci stated.
"Let me guess, they gave it a bath." I stated, raising a brow.
She nodded her head.
I then looked over to Jim and Claire.
"What did you name yours?" Claire asked.
"You named it?" I asked.
"Yeah, this is Petunia and Darci and Toby named their's Sir Isaac Gluten." Claire replied.
I sighed.
"I think you guys are too invested in this." I stated, picking up the bag... like you would a baby.
"Come on, just give it a name." Jim pushed.
"Fine... Um..." I trailed off looking at the bag.
I shrugged.
"Octavia." I said, looking over at him.
"See, wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked, making me roll my eyes.
Toby then turned to Darci.
"Do you mind if we take Sir Isaac, Petunia, and maybe Octavia to a rock show tonight?" Toby asked.
"Not going." I put in.
"A rock concert? Is that really appropriate?" Darci asked.
"No, a rock show at the museum. It's an exhibit of gems and minerals." Toby explained, grabbing his bag.
"As Jim knows. I've had my own collectionsince I was eight, and I'm hoping to finally get it appraised by the experts." Toby stated, taking out a rock a few rocks and showing them to his... baby.
I grabbed my milkshake and took a sip.
And, oh, this is from Bular." Toby stated, making me choke.
"Uh... I mean, Bular-ium-ite." Toby stated, putting it away.
"Yeah, that is a rock." Toby stated, putting the bag back.
"Well, a rock show sounds kinda cool." Darci stated before a phone started vibrating.
She then pulled out her phone.
"Shoot. Of course." Darci stated.
"The stupid hacky-sack team made it to semi-finals. I gotta mascot the match tonight." Darci explained.
"That's okay. I can watch him." Toby said.
I then moved out of the chair as Toby fell.
I caught the chair, moving it before Toby would get hurt and he caught Isaac.
"Got him." Toby stated.
"Yeah, no. Maybe I can fit him into my mole suit." Darci thought aloud.
"I promise, nothing bad is going to happen to our little one." Toby promised.
I sighed.
"Alright Tobes. Off the floor." I said, leaning the chair against me as I adjusted Octavia... I mean, the bag of flour.
Toby stood up and moved.
"Toby, I need to pass." I heard Darci state as I moved the chair back and sat down.
"Don't worry. I will not let you and Sir Isaac down." Toby promised.

We were walking along the bridge, heading to our respected houses.
Petunia and Sir Isaac were in the wagon, being pulled by Toby as I held Octavia.
"It's okay. Doesn't mean we're gonna fail as flour parents." Jim stated.
"Isn't it kind of crazy to think... we might be parents someday?" Claire asked.
Jim then gave her a look.
"Not like that. I'm just saying, have you ever thought about what it'd be like, raising a teenager?" Claire asked.
"All I know is, I won't be like mine. My mom can't even remember my birthday without checking her schedule first." She went on.
I zoned out after that, thinking about it.
Jim, Claire, and I then turned, leaving T.P alone.
"Goodnight, Toby." I said.
We then heard Toby scream and I sighed, running off after Claire and Jim.
I opened my wings and flew through Claire's portal.
When we got through, someone was trying to tear off Toby's bag.
I stared as it formed it's hand back, the goo or whatever gravitating towards it.
We moved out of the way as it went after Toby.
It grabbed his bag, getting it free.
"It wasn't trying to hurt you. It only wanted what's in your bag." Claire stated.
"My rock collection?" Toby asked.
"What is that thing?" Jim asked.
"Let's get it to Trollmarket. Blinky will know what to do." Claire said.
A vehicle then raced towards us, driving all over the rode.
Jim disabled his armor.
It came right towards us and my wings appeared, shooting just above the car as I held Octavia close.
I landed, my wings going away as I breathed heavily.
"Skylar! Are you alright? I hope they didn't see your wings." Jim rambled.
"Sorry, they just... popped out. I didn't have time to jump out of the way." I replied, trying to catch my breath.
We then looked over and saw the hat.
The manhole opened and the thing took the hat.
"Well, that happened. Is everyone okay?" Jim asked.
"Surprisingly, my bag of flour isn't destroyed yet." I replied.
"Besides our kids needing therapy, I think they'll live." Toby replied with.
"We need Blinky." Claire stated.
I sighed as we started walking.
We made it to our house and I looked around.
"Blinky!" I heard Jim shout as we made our way down the stairs.
I sat on the steps as everyone gathered around the table.
"Ah, Master Jim, Lady Skylar." Blinky greeted.
"Hey." I greeted back.
"Tobes was just attacked near his house by some thing." Jim stated.
"It was like sludge, but smart. Smart Sludge?" Claire asked unsurely.
"I'm concerned about this smart sludge, but more alarmed you're stockpiling flour." Blinky stated.
"Are you expecting a shortage?" He asked.
"No, it's my baby! For health class. About babies." Jim explained.
"Ah! So, that's why they always refer to it as 'bun in the oven'." Blinky stated.
"No, this smart sludge,it was slime." Claire stated.
"Ate my rock collection." Toby added.
Blinky gasped.
"Uh oh." Arrrgh said.
"Happen to have troll remains amongst your collection?" Blinky asked.
"Yeah, a piece of Bular. Why?" Toby asked.
Blinky, Draal, and Arrrgh then shared a look.
"Stop with the looks! You always do that when you're hiding something." Jim ordered.
Draal sighed.
"Sounds like a gruesome to me." Draal stated, making me nod.
"Fits the description." I stated.
"What's a gruesome?" Claire asked.
"Feeders of the dead." Blinky replied.
"At the first signs of war, they gather to await the carnage. After the bloodshed, gruesomes would devour the troll remains left on the battlefield. They are the carrion of trolls." He explained.
"There haven't been any battles in Arcadia. Why is there a gruesome here now?" Toby asked.
"Because Gunmar could be out." Jim replied.
Blinky then gasped as I frowned.
"I told you, Master Jim, that's impossible." Blinky stated.
'It's not actually.' I thought to myself.
I zoned back in after a moment.
"Currently, we have a gruesome that must be dealt with." I heard Blinky state.
"But how do we find it?" Jim asked.
"What if my rock collection was just an appetizer?" Toby asked, pulling out a pamphlet.
He then handed it to Blinky.
"He could be going for the main course. Look! The rock show at the museum!" He exclaimed.
"The jewel of the collection is some large piece that I swore looked like some troll arm." He explained.
He then faced Draal, holding the pamphlet to the light, luckily in a spot that I could see.
"A guy found it outside of town last week!" Toby went on.
"Great Gorgus! that is a troll arm!" Blinky stated, making me smile at the irony right now.
"Who could be so careless to lose an arm?" He asked, lowering it.
Draal looked over to me, his arms crossed.
"Not mine." He stated, making me clear my throat so I don't laugh, a smile glued to my face.
"Then we're gonna be there tonight to make our stand." Jim stated.
I sighed, readjusting Octavia.
"Then I know just the thing to get rid of it." Blinky stated after Jim finished.
"Jim, Skylar! I'm home!" I heard mom shout, making me freeze.
"We'll be right up! Just working on our assignments! Don't come down!" Jim replied, moving to the railing.
Once mom was dealt with, Jim and I made our way back downstairs.
"Skylar, stay here." Jim ordered.
"Oh come on, I-"
"Only this one time. It's not that bad." Jim stated, making me sigh.
"Fine." I muttered.
It was then just me and Draal... again.
I sat next to him, setting Octavia on the table.
I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning against his arm.

The next morning we were in class, Octavia and Sir Isaac on Coach Lawrence's desk.
"Two babies survived?" He asked in disbelief.
"It was a bag of flour! And no one could keep it alive for 24 hours?" He asked.
"I'm sorry. My mom threw it away 'cause I'm allergic to gluten. She wrote a note to explain." Eli tried, although I knew he was lying.
Coach Lawrence crumpled up the paper.
"You all fail, except for Scott and Domzalski... And the single mother, Skylar." He stated.
I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my seat.
"I weep for your offspring and pray I'm retired by the time they reach high school." Coach stated.
The bell then rang, signalling the end of class.
I walked out, following Steve and Eli.
I stepped in front of them.
"So, how was yesterday's adventure?" I asked.
Their eyes widened, making me smirk.
"Here's a word of advice since you have no idea what you're getting into... Don't get yourselves killed." I stated, turning and catching up to my brother.

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