6: Win Lose or Draal

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Jim had made it back and I was stuffing pillows under my blanket.
I then flew out the window and saw Jim.
We made our way to Trollmarket together, meeting up with Toby along the way.

"Are you certain? Are you unquestionably, unequivocally--"
"I'm certain." Jim replied as I leaned against the wall.
"Could be anything." Arrrgh stated.
"I concur." Blinky agreed.
"Skylar, back me up here. You read the book, you have the bridge engraved into your memory." Jim pleaded, turning to me.
I stayed silent, looking away as all eyes were on me.
"I... didn't pay much attention. There was a lot going on." I stated, not wanting him to know what happened.
More silence.
"I'm gonna walk around. Catch me up later, Jim." I stated, walking out.
I walked by some trolls, them staring and muttering softly, though I didn't pay much attention.
My mind was blank as I walked past everything.
I ended up bumping into someone, almost falling over, but my wings caught me.
"Sorry." I said as I went to move past the troll, not realizing who I had bumped into.
"Nightwatcher!" I heard a familiar voice call, though I couldn't place it at that moment.
I turned.
"Yes?" I asked, before meeting those familiar eyes.
I frowned, recognizing him.
"Are you... alright?" He asked.
"Why do you care?" I asked in turn, a glare taking place.
He didn't answer, seeming to try and figure out why my mood changed so quickly.
I sighed, my wings dropping as I looked to the side.
"Just worry about your fight." I stated, turning away.
I started walking, folding my arms for comfort and tucked my wings.
I was exausted to say the least.
Dots covered my vision again and I leaned against the wall, trying to keep my balance.
A piercing sound entered my ears and I fell to my knees.
Voices suddenly started flowing in.
Most were talking about cats, some about victories of the past trollhunters and how Jim will never live up to their name, and some about socks.

When I came to, I was in bed.
I sat up, sighing and I started down the steps, the smell of different foods accompanying each step.
I saw Jim and mom.
"What time is it?" I asked, sitting down at the table.
"Late. You slept for a long time. When you got here, you seemed really out of it." Mom stated.
I then glanced around the table.
"I haven't been sleeping the best. A lot's been going on." I said, seeing everything that was on the table.
"Jim, what is all this?" I asked.
"I just wanted a nice dinner for all of us." He replied, gesturing with his hand that we'll talk about it later.
"It's more like a feast." I stated, grabbing my plate and piling food onto it.
I started eating as Jim and Mom made small talk.
I finished eating quickly, even with the amount of food I had.
"Skylar, are you alright?" Mom asked.
"Fine, Mom. I'm just going to get some more rest." I replied.
I heard footsteps and my door opened.
"Skylar..." Jim started, seeming saddened.
"Yeah?" I asked as he closed the door, sitting on the bed.
"About what is going to happen..." He trailed off.
"Your fight with Draal bothering you?" I asked, watching him.
"It's a fight to the death, Skylar." He stated, making me nod.
"I know, but I'm not worried." I stated, grabbing the book from under my pillow.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I believe in you." I replied, holding the book out to him.
"There's something in there that could help you." I stated.
He took the book hesitantly.
We shared a look before he left to his room, making sure to close my eyes.
I let out a soft sigh, closing my eyes.
When I opened them, the lights were off.
Whatever was happening to me... it was getting out of control.
I looked over at the glass of water on the table, it was sloshing back and forth.
I watched it, getting more and more violently.
It started to move outside the glass, towards me, causing me to look away, breathing heavily.

The next day, I waited next to Jim, my wings on show as we talked.
"Jim, no matter what happens... I believe in you. You can win this, in your own way. These trolls have never had a human troll hunter. So show them what you can do." I whispered as Blinky, Arrrgh, and Toby walked over to us.
"Gathered Trollkind!" A voice announced, catching my attention.
"The Trollhunter has laid a challenge before the son of his predecessor, and you shall all bear witness to the ensuing battle, which will be one for the ages..." He stated, trailing off.
"If not remakably painful and short." I heard him say, but it was echo-y.
Was it his thoughts?
Jim then looked to Toby, handing him a letter before handing one to me.
"What's this?" Toby asked.
"It says everything I want to say." Jim stated.
"You promised me tacos." Toby stated.
"Now is not the time for lunch, Tobes." Jim stated with a scoff.
"Last week, we went for tacos. I paid. You said: Next time on me. You're going to get this letter back unopened after the fight, and when you get back, we'll get tacos." Toby stated.
Jim chuckled.
"Tacos sound good." He replied.
He then turned to me, making me shrug.
"I believe in you, Jim. But if you die out there, I'm not getting Toby tacos. I'll eat every last one, myself." I stated, putting the letter on the ground.
He chuckled again.
"Don't freak out if anything happens. I'm the one who decided to do this." Jim stated, making me scoff.
"Me? Freak out? As if." I stated, punching him in the shoulder.
"Draal, son of Kanjigar, son of Tarigar." Vendel stated, signaling the beginning.
The sound of rock on rock, rolling, echoed into my ears.
"Draal the Destroyer, come forth." Vendel ordered.
"How original." I muttered, rolling my eyes at the name.
Spotlights hit him as he rolled towards the center.
He then jumped into the air, landing in the center, the crowd cheering him on.
"It's time to put everything I've ever said to you to practice." Blinky stated.
"With a little luck, he'll trip and fall. Now, tell me: Rule one." Blinky went on.
"Always be afraid." Jim replied.
"Rule two." Blinky demanded.
"Always finish the fight." Jim stated.
"Rule three?" Blinky asked.
"About that, I was reading, when the Venerable Bedehilde fought the Hydrabeast, there were no gronk-nuks, but there was a weakness under its scales." Jim stated.
"You read the book?" Blinky asked.
"So, it got me thinking. Does Draal have a weakness?" Jim asked, but Blinky was too excited.
"He read the book. He read the book!" Blinky exclaimed, soon picking him up into a hug.
"Books tasty." I heard Arrrgh state.
"And now, Draal's combatant, James Lake Jr., son of..." Vendel trailed off.
"Ba-bu-rah. And brother to the NightWatcher, Skylar Lake." He finished.
"Come forth, human Trollhunter." He then added.
"Goodluck out there Jim." I whispered as he walked out, two trolls accompanying him.
"Fight from your heart, Master Jim. It's strong, stronger than any rock!" Blinky shouted after him.
The gate then slammed down, making him jump back.
I stepped to the edge, getting a clear view of the fight.
"And certainly, stronger than mine." I heard Blinky state.
"Prepare for battle!" Vendel stated as I made eye contact with Draal.
Draal then looked to Jim, roaring as he slammed his fists onto the ground.
Jim then equiped his armor, closing his eyes.
I could feel my hands shaking, making me drop them to my sides as I clenched my fists.
My wings appeared on my back.
"Skylar, are you alright?" Toby asked, seeing my hands.
"Fine." I replied, stuffing them into my pockets.
"Begin!" Vendel shouted, causing the crowds to cheer.
The ground shook beneath them before it began to rise.
"Use your new surrounding's Jim!" I shouted, catching his attention.
I heard Draal growl, making Jim look back to him.
"He'll survive this." I whispered, trying to keep myself calm, stop myself from shaking.
Draal then jumped towards Jim once the gears stopped turning, causing Jim to jump down, landing on his stomach.
Jim rolled to the side when Draal jumped down to him, but that didn't stop Draal from grabbing his leg.
Jim was thrown against the wall, the crowd cheering as he screamed.
Jim fell from the wall and almost falling into the hole below.
Draal was laughing as Jim caught himself.
His arrogance could not be measured at this point.
I closed my eyes, my breathing getting heavy.
I turned away from the fight, letting the noise drown out as spots darted across my vision.
I shook it away, the crowd exclaiming.
I turned back, seeing the sword reappearing in his hand.
"I never taught him that, did you?" Blinky asked, looking at us three.
"He's a natural!" Toby exclaimed.
Jim then threw the sword, Draal having blocked it.
Then he started running, not seeming to be able to get his sword back again.
"Ten whole second! He's not dead! That's a fortuitous sign." Blinky stated.
It's only been ten seconds?
"Don't Jinx!" Toby exclaimed.
Draal suddenly jumped in the air, landing a punch on Jim, slamming him into the ground.
"Jim!" I shouted, everything drowning out around me as I watched.
As much as I wanted to, I couldn't pull my eyes away.
Draal then picked him up by his leg again, laughing.
He then punched Jim in the stomach, launching my brother into the air only to punch him again when gravity pulled them down.
Jim landed on one of the other floors, higher up.
All the pieces were raised up to the same level as the center before they started turning to the side.
Jim caught onto the side as it flipped over.
Draal then reinacted the scene in Lionking where Scar let's Mufasa fall into the canyon during a stampede.
I heard Toby's voice, but I couldn't understand the words.
My heart was beating fast in fear.
Draal was laughing from what I could tell, Jim stuggling to get up as the floor lowered.
Jim then used rule number three, surprising me.
I regained myself, a smile on my face.
"Way to go, Jim!" I cheered, my wings unfurling as the growd groaned.
Jim then hid behind Draal as the troll tried regaining himself, realizing Jim disappeared.
Jim stayed on quiet feet as Draal turned, trying to find him.
"By Deya's grace, he found it!" Blinky exclaimed, just loud enough for us to hear.
"Found what?" Arrrgh asked.
"His weakness." I stated, smirking.
"Draal's blind spot!" Blinky explained.
An axe then started swinging, catching Jim's attention.
He glanced over at me, making me nod.
"Why'd you nod?" Blinky asked.
"Twin telepathy." I replied, smirking.
"You cannot be the Trollhunter! You're a boy!" Draal shouted, getting frustrated.
"I am the son of Kanjigar!" He added.
I rolled my eyes, a smirk still on my face.
"And I am Jim, son of Barbara." Jim stated, leaning against the wall.
This caught Draal's attention, making him turn.
"And the amulet chose me!" Jim exclaimed.
This ticked Draal, causing him to roar.
Jim then dodged, the axe swinging towards Draal.
The blue troll had no time to react as the axe had hit him, taking him with it.
The force flung Draal into the air.
When he landed he rolled, clinging to the edge.
Everyone gasped at this, making me chuckle.
Jim then got up, walking over to the edge where Draal waited.
The crowd starting yelling at Jim to finish the fight.
"Remember what I told you Jim." I whispered, closing my eyes.
After I heard the sword materializing, I opened my eyes.
Jim lifted the sword, the light reflecting off it before he swung it down to face Draal, the chanting on-going.
Jim then lifted the sword over his head.
He let out a battle cry, turning the sword towards the ground.
Jim stabbed it into the ground, reaching his hand out to Draal.
It was obvious they were talking before Draal took his hand.
Jim pulled him up before Draal started getting up himself.
The crowd was booing, making me growl lowly.
In that moment, Draal seemed... almost broken, like this was a fate worse than death.
Jim walked towards the middle as I waited for the gate to go up.
"Look, I may not have followed your rules, but neither did the amulet when it chose me." Jim started, the crowd booing more.
But that didn't stop Jim.
"Right now, over our heads, changelings are in Arcadia."
"Jim, what are you doing?!" I whisper-shouted, hitting the stone gate, making it shake from the force.
Everyone gasped.
I ran out, fitting between the bars after hiding my wings.
With quick steps, I reached Jim, grabbing his shoulders and unveiling my wings.
With one flap, I darted into the air with him and shot towards the others, putting Jim down.
"We must leave this instant." Blinky stated.
The crowd continued booing, making me look back as Blinky walked away with Jim.
They were throwing things at Draal.
"Why are they treating him that way?" Jim asked, seeing what I was seeing.
"You spared his life, but destroyed his honor. He will never be able to show his face in Trollmarket again." Blinky explained.
I watched till he left, feeling some sort of sympathy for the troll.
He may have acted like a child because he didn't get what he wanted, but no one deserved to be shunned like that.
I sighed, my wings drooping before following after them.
I caught up to Jim, smirking.
"Minus the whole changlings are here bit, you did well out there." I stated, smirking.
"Blinky was just asking me about our twin telepathy." He stated, slinging his arm around me.
I laughed, pushing him off me.
"Bet that was fun to explain." I stated.
"The best." He replied, making me roll my eyes with a smile.
I then grabbed the envolope I had stuffed in my pocket.
I was about to hand it back till Toby started bombarding Jim.
I put the letter back in my pocket, letting him have his moment.

Jim and I had made it home, late that night.
"Just average teenagers after an average teenage day." Jim stated, sighing.
"Tell mom I'll be back later. I'm going on a walk." I stated, making him nod.
"Just be careful." He stated, opening the door.
I nodded and opened my wings, taking off.
I flew throughout the clouds, going everywhere and anywhere.
I landed in a clearing, deep in the woods.
I hummed when I landed, looking around.
It was peaceful here.
I looked at my hands, turning them over and back again.
"Alright, first rocks flying forth, then fire, now whatever is going on now. Let's test this out..." I muttered, sitting on my knees.
I folded my wings as I dug my hands underneath the moss and dirt.
I closed my eyes, feeling the moisture in the soil.
I focused on it, taking hold of it.
When I opened my eyes, water was rising around me.
I unearthed my hands, staying focused on the water.
It started to weave itself, twisting and spiraling before it all became a giant ball of water.
I sperated my hands, causing the water to seperate, creating a circle around a gem like piece, water crystals spinning around the circle.
I then let it fall, watching it splash across the leaves.
I sighed, turning to face a sprout.
I closed my eyes, placing my hands on the dirt, forming a triangle around where I thought the seed would be.
Focusing on it, I could hear the roots tearing through the earth.
I moved my hands towards me, staying focused on the tree.
When I felt light headed, my eyes flew open as I put my hands down.
I breathed heavily as I studied what I had done.
A giant tree stood before me, it's branches stretching towards the sky.
I smiled softly.
I then glanced at a rock, sending in flying.
I gasped in shock as it came flying back.
I dodged it and it landed next to the tree, the roots wrapping around the sides.
I laughed slightly when everything stopped moving.
I sat atop the rock, sighing.
"Let's take this one step at a time." I whispered to myself, placing a hand on the tree.
Just then, my phone started ringing.
I grabbed it from my pocket, answering it as I put it to my ear.
"Skylar, who's this?" I asked, getting off the rock.
"Skylar, you might want to come back... Something hap-"
I hung up, shoving the phone into my pocket and darting into the sky.
I landed on the porch, pushing the door open.
"Jim! Where are you?!" I asked shouting.
I saw mom asleep at the table, causing me to rush to her side.
I then heard footsteps running up the basement stairs.
I looked over my shoulder to see Jim.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Ms. Nomura stopped by. She drugged our mom and we had a fight, which I was going to lose until Draal saved me." Jim explained.
"Draal? Have you hit your head?" I asked.
He sighed, gesturing for me to follow him as he walked back down the steps.
With reluctance I followed him to the bottom.
I spotted Draal and I raised a brow.
"Draal, explain to Skylar why you're here please. Skylar, try not to kill him." Jim stated, pleading me.
I ignored him, glaring at the troll before me.
"I'll take that as an okay. I'm going to start cleaning before mom wakes up." Jim explained before disappearing back up the stairs.
Silence surrounded us as I glared at him.
"Since I cannot return to Trollmarket, I have decided to protect Jim. As he will not have time to study his opponent as he did me." Draal explained.
I hummed, stepping closer to him.
"How does one go from wanting to kill someone to wanting to protect them, exactly?" I asked, stopping when I was a foot away from him.
"You and your brother have... opened my eyes to the possiblilty that he will make a good Trollhunter after all, just as you will make a good Nightwatcher." He stated, seeming hesitant.
I sighed, looking away as my glare dropped.
I looked back to him, offering him a soft smile.
"...Thank you. For protecting my family when I wasn't here." I stated, reluctantly.
He snorted, making me smile a bit brighter.
I then turned away and started walking up the stairs.
"Nightwatcher?" He asked.
I caught his eyes.
"Skylar is fine. What do you need?" I asked, tilting my head.
"Does this mean you no longer despise me?" He asked.
"Don't push your luck." I stated, sending a soft glare towards him.
I then face forward again and climbed the rest of the stairs.

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