33: Hero with a Thousand Faces

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I was hanging out with Draal as he was pulling on a rope.
I was just reading.
"Oh, hey, Draal. Skylar." Jim greeted.
I hummed in reply.
"Ah. The mighty Trollhunter." Draal greeted.
Jim then walked away.
"You again?" Draal asked, making me look up.
It was Jim.
Wide-eyes and wearing... yellow?
"Excuse me, exquiste trolls. Darling sister." He said, bowing.
I lifted a brow, closing the book.
"Back already?" Draal asked.
"Have you seen the fair Claire? I cannot live in a world without her." He stated dramatically.
I laughed slightly, shaking my head.
"She just left." Bagwella stated.
"Ha-ha!" Jim twirled.
"Then I will let my heart guide me until I win her parents' favor. Because nothing, nothing is more important than love." He stated, running away like a love-struck fool.
I only laughed as I watched him, Bagwella smiling as Draal stared after him with a funny look on his face.
"I don't know what's wrong with him, but I can't wait until Claire sees him." I stated, opening my book.
Bagwella then sighed.
"I used to feel like that..." She said trailing off, catching our attention.
She then looked to Draal.
"Once." She stated.
Draal immediately looked away.
"Um..." Was all he said before he started side-stepping away, me following after him with a teasing smile as I read through my book.
Once we were far enough, I glanced up at him from the book.
"Looks like someone is good with the ladies." I teased.
He looked down at me with wide eyes.
I laughed at his reaction, looking back down at my book.
"I'm only teasing you." I stated.
He snorted, making me smile.
"So, what are we doing today?" I asked.
"We?" He asked.
"Well, Jim and Claire are at Councilwoman Nunez's house for the BBQ and Toby is with his Nana. Blinky is probably researching something or other with Arrrgh. Which leaves us." I stated, shrugging.
"Or if you'd rather, I can go home and finish a puzzle and you can help around here, alone." I added, looking back down to my book.
He put his hand over the pages of the book, lowering it.
I looked up at him.
"I'd rather do something with you." He stated, making me nod.
I gently closed the book.
"Tonight, I want to show you something." He stated.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." He replied.
I narrowed my eyes playfully.
"Alright, I'll trust you." I said, making him nod.
"Draal, we need you over here." A troll stated, catching our attention.
Draal nodded before looking back at me.
"I'll meet you in your basement when the sun sets." Draal stated.
"I'll see you tonight then." I stated.
He snorted and walked away.
I smiled softly as I watched his retreating form.
I then opened my book again and made my way outside Trollmarket.
I got on my skateboard and skated home, reading the book as I went.
I heard a car horn, rolling my eyes as I flipped my board onto the side walk.
I glanced up, seeing home and I flipped my board up, catching it and tucking it under my arm.
I opened the door and walked in, moving to the living room.
I set the book down, sorting out the puzzle.
"Skylar? Is that you?" I heard mom ask.
"Yeah. In the living room." I replied.
She walked over, sitting down next to me.
"Puzzles?" She asked.
"Yep." I stated, popping the 'p'.
"You seem chipper today." She stated, putting a piece in place.
"Well... I'm meeting up with my friend tonight." I said, my hand going to the necklace.
"Oh?" She asked, raising a brow.
I laughed.
"He has a surprise for me." I explained, shaking my head as I put five pieces together.
"Draal, right?" She asked.
I nodded.
"Sounds like a keeper, when can I meet him?" She asked, making me stop.
"I don't know." I said after a moment.
She sighed.
"It can't be that hard to schedule something." She stated.
"Well, he has a job and your schedule bounces around. I'll figure something out." I stated, putting another piece down.
"Skylar, you know if you just ask, I could take a day off. I want to meet the boy that makes you happy." She stated.
I sighed, shaking my head.
"Ma, it's not that easy." I stated.
"Well it must be if you're meeting him tonight." She stated.
"You have work tonight." I reminded.
"Skylar, why can't you just open up to me?" She asked.
"I do open up to you, just not as much as I can with Draal." I replied, looking over to her.
"I'm your mother... you're supposed to be able to tell me anything." She stated.
"But some things I can't. I try but I can't. Draal has been helping me through so much. Please, just this once, let's enjoy putting together a puzzle before you go to work." I said, holding her hands in mine.
She sighed.
"Alright." She stated.
I nodded, smiling as I turned back to the puzzle.
We started putting it together, piece by piece.
"Mom, that piece goes here." I said, pointing to the spot.
"Oh, you're right." She said.
She put it in the spot, the piece fitting perfectly.
Mom pulled me closer to her.
"My strong, smart girl." She stated.

Later that night, I was staring at myself in the mirror, staring at the scar.
I traced it and sighed.
When mom saw it... she totally freaked.
"You need to stop getting in fights." Was what she said.
My lie?
'I got into a fight and they slammed my head into the locker.'
It always started with 'I got into a fight'.
I heard a clatter and I ran down the stairs, summoning my swords as I looked around.
"Skylar?" I heard Draal's voice.
I turned to face him, letting the swords disappear.
"Draal, you scared me." I stated, smiling softly.
He frowned.
"I thought you knocked something over." He stated, making me frown.
"I thought you did." I stated.
I turned on my heel, peering into the kitchen.
I sighed, seeing the fridge open.
I grabbed the changeling by his scruff, pulling him out.
"NotEnrique, what are you doing here?" I asked, closing the fridge.
"I was going to check on Claire, but I didn't want to deal with what was going on, so I came here." He stated, making me sigh.
I dropped him, letting him land on the floor.
"Fine. Don't trash the place while I'm gone." I said.
"You have my word." He stated, going back to the fridge.
I turned to Draal and we walked down to the basement, taking the sewers.
We walked in silence and came out into the woods.
It wasn't a place I recognized.
We came across a steep hill and Draal and I looked at eachother.
He then rolled up the hill as I flew.
I smiled when he took my hand as I landed.
He brought me to a cliff, overlooking a large lake in the middle of the forest below.
I looked up to the sky, a smile on my face.
You could see the milky way, the full moon, and the stars shining brightly.
"It's beautiful." I stated, smiling.
Draal walked up next to me.
"I figured out that you liked stars when you took me to your special place... I thought I would take you here to see them closer." He stated.
I turned to him, hugging him.
"It's perfect." I stated.

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