35: The Reckless Club

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I was flying after Uhl's truck as the other's chased it on the rode.
They avoided Claire's portal, just barely and I dived after them, landing in the bed, putting my wings away.
Arrrgh and Toby then jumped infront of it and I hung on.
Arrrgh stopped it, without damaging it.
And I got out, grabbing the Gnomes.
I handed them to Jim and he put them in the bag.
"You two take the gnomes back to Trollmarket. We'll get Senor Uhl's truck back before anyone notices." Jim stated, but the sirens were then heard.
I sighed, jumping into the back as Blinky and Arrrgh ran into the bushes.
"Hands where I can see 'em!" The officer ordered as I hopped back out, crossing my arms as the others did as told.
"Looks like your little prank is gonna get you serving a little time." The officer stated, getting out.
"You wanna press charges?" He asked as Uhl got out.
He hummed.
"No, I have something far worse planned for them. Saturday detention." Uhl stated, making me roll my eyes.

I waited for Mom to pull up as I had taken my board to Detention.
After a moment, Jim and Toby got out.
"Oh. And try not to burgle any cars on your way there." I heard Mom say.
We then started walking towards the doors.
"Hey, ready to get this over with?" Claire asked.
"Are you joking?" Jim and I asked in turn.
"We're spending an entire Saturday without the slightest possibility of almost getting killed. This is vacation." Jim stated.
We all put our phones in a box.
"There are no cell phones allowed." He stated.
I put mine in without hesitation.
"You can survive without your texts. and your apps and your beepy-boops, your facey-spaces and tweety flaps." He went on.
"I think he's getting them wrong on purpose." I whispered to Jim.
Once he took Mary's phone, he went on.
"For you transgressions, you are to do homework the entire duration." Uhl stated.
"What if I already did my homework?" Eli and I asked at the same time, making us look to eachother.
"You will sit and stare at the wall." Uhl stated, glancing between the two of us.
I rolled my eyes.
"You will not leave this room. If I find one of you has left without permission, then you will face punishment." Uhl warned.
"Do you understand?" He asked.
Everyone replied with a yes as I shrugged.
"Do you understand, Skylar?" He asked, looking to me.
"Ci." I replied, shrugging.
Toby then took out his food.
"What is that, Mr. Domzalski?" Uhl the Unforgiving asked.
"Oh, this? Uh, a Diablo Maximus Breakfast Burrito." He replied.
Uhl then sniffed the air.
"Ah. Diablo Maximus Breakfast Burrito. Smells delicious." He said.
"It's my favorite." Toby replied, making me sigh.
"Oh, you're favorite, you say?" He asked, walking towards him.
"You steal my favorite truck..." He trailed off.
Toby lowered the burrito.
"I steal your favorite burrito." Uhl stated, snatching it away.
Toby whimpered.
"As they say, fair play is turnabout." Uhl stated.
"Detention will start now!" Uhl exclaimed.
I sighed, putting my feet on the desk as time went by slowly.
I turned to the others, putting my feet back on the floor as I faced them.
"I feel guilty sitting here when there's a chance Gunmar's out." Claire stated.
"Look, Blinky and Arrrgh are already looking into it." Jim stated before adding, "Without proof that Gunmar really escaped, there's no point causing a panic in Trollmarket."
I pointed to Eli discreetly and Jim looked over.
Toby then threw a piece of paper at Eli after he tried to act like he wasnt listening, failing miserably.
"Mind your own business." Toby stated, throwing another one.
Steve caught it.
"Mind your own face, buttsnack." Steve countered, throwing it at Jim.
"Since when are you and Dumbledork such besties?" Mary asked.
"Oh, what? No, we're not besties! Ew! That guy? No!" Steve denied, punching Eli out of his chair.
"Smooth." I stated sarcastically.
"It can't be that spicy." I heard Uhl say, making me turn to him, looking over Jim's shoulder.
"It is that spicy. It took three years to build up the tolerance for a single bite and he's harfing it down in one go!" Toby whisper-yelled.
Uhl then seemed like he was in pain, his stomach rumbling.
"Ugh. Good hit, Steve. Way to protect our cover." I heard Eli whisper.
"I'm starting to think Jim and the others aren't here on official business." I heard him add.
"Wait, are you saying we gave ourselves detention for nothing?" Steve asked.
I then listened to my brother and the other two.
"Stop squabbling! From now on, not another word!" Uhl ordered.
I rolled my eyes and he then rushed out of the room.

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