15: Mudslinging

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Today was a school assembly.
I sat off to the side, rolling my eyes.
I left in the middle of it, heading to Trollmarket.
I saw Draal and I walked up to him, tapping his shoulder.
He turned, surprised to see me.
"I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. A lot was on my mind and I wasn't thinking straight." I stated.
"I accept your apology." He stated, making me nod.
We walked to the Heroes forge together in a comfortable silence.
He must've just now noticed, but once we reached the center of the forge he lifted the obsidian resting on my collar bone.
"You're still wearing it." He said.
"I've been wearing it everyday since you gave it to me." I replied.
He let it fall back into place.
In time Jim came in and he entered into the void or whatever.
Draal and I waited for him to return.
Atleast five minutes in our time.
"Jim, did you see my father?" Draal asked as soon as Jim appeared.
"I did." Jim replied.
"Did he speak of me?" Draal asked.
"Yeah. He wished the Soothscryer could let you in, but, you know, the rules are the rules." Jim stated.
It was obvious he was lying.
"It's alright, Trollhunter. You don't have to lie to protect my feelings." Draal stated, sighing before hand.
I placed a hand on his arm as a form of comfort.
"He said we can't kill Gunmar. I would only be leading my friends and family to their death." Jim stated, coming clean.
"Too bad. I was looking forward to proving him wrong." Draal stated.
Jim chuckled.
"So was I." Jim said in agreement.
Arrrgh suddenly appeared, seeming worried.
"Arrrgh, what's wrong?" Jim asked.
"Blinky." Was his reply.
I opened my wings and we raced to where Blinky was.
When I arrived everyone thought he was talking gibberish.
But as I listened, it seemed he was on to something.
"How long's he been like this?" Jim asked.
"Long time." Arrrgh replied.
"Maybe you should switch to decaf." Jim stated, making me chuckle.
Blinky then walked up to us.
"According to legend, only one scholar, the Dishonorable Bodus, incovered a method of wounding Gunmar." Blnky explained.
"The Trollhunters just told me there wasn't any way. How do you do it?" Jim asked.
"No one knows. Gunmar had Bodus and his students hunted down and dispatched in a most unpleasant manner. But here, this book, The Final Testament of Bodus. This is the last surviving copy of his work! This is the key!" Blinky explained further as I walked up to him, listening carefully.
"And I'm going to burn it." He stated in a nonchalant way, lowering the book from his face.
I lifted my hand, palm facing up as fire sprouted.
"Let's do it." I stated.
"Long time." I heard Arrrgh stated.
Blinky put the book down, gesturing for me to do my thing.
I shot it with a ball of fire, waving the rest away.
"Blinky, Skylar! No! What are you doing? That book might tell us the---"
Blinky held Jim back, explaining why he wanted to burn the book.
"Bodus was being hunted. He knew he had to keep it secret." Blinky stated.
Toby then tried to put the book out, only for Blinky to block him off as well.
Arrrgh blew on the book, only for the flames to rise, making me smirk.
"Burn, baby, burn!" Blinky exclaimed.
"No, Don't." Claire stated, putting the fire out with a blanket.
Toby rushed forward.
"Did Blinky and Skylar just destroy our only chance at getting Gunmar?" Toby asked, staring at the pile of ash as I just shrugged.
"Or my baby brother!" Claire reminded.
"You don't understand." Blinky stated, walking forward.
"Bodus hid the secret within the book. Watch." Blnky explained, blowing the ash away.
"It's a message." Claire stated, seeing the writing.
"Aha!" Blinky cheered.
"I am so glad that worked." He stated.
"What does it say?" Toby asked.
I cleared my throat, telling them I'll read it.
"In the darkest tide, when Daylight darest wane, the Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow's bane." I read, shrugging.
"What's a Myrddin Wench?" Toby asked.
"It's an ancient name for Merlin. Shouldn't someone be taking a picture of this or something?" Claire asked.
"Three forces elemental thou must seek. In marshland, caverns deep, and mountain's peak. Where worthy perish, ye will prevail in night and eclipse all who quarry with thy might." I finished reading.
"Anyone else freaked out a little bit by this evil perish poem?" Toby asked.
"Skylar, how are you able to read that?" Claire asked, raising a brow.
"It says it in english." I replied, shrugging.
They looked at me weirdly.
"Oh, right. When I absorbed the amulet or whatever, one of the non-magical abilities is being able to read troll in my language." I explained.
"Anyway, so now we can win against Gunmar once we find what this is hinting at." I stated, shrugging.
Blinky then walked over to his books and started looking through them, rambling on about what it was hinting at.
"Blinky, you madman, you did it!" Jim stated, smiling.
"We make the weapon and wham! Gunmar is done-mar!" Toby exclaimed.
"Caution." Arrrgh stated.
"Indeed! The Triumbric Stones have been hidden for centuries, but if I can decipher this text, Master Jim, then you shall--"
"Eclipse all who quarry with thy might." Claire quoted as I glanced at the book.

Later that night I was flying home above Jim on his vespa.
I landed when he parked, feeling a presence watching us.
I hid my wings quickly, looking around.
"You coming?" Jim asked, waiting at the door.
I looked back to him.
"Yeah." I replied, walking in with him.
"Hey mom." We greeted.
"Where have you been?" She aked.
"Just studying at the library with Claire and Tobes." Jim replied.
"The library closed three hours ago. Where have you been?" She asked again.
"I don't know mom, we took the long way home." Jim replied.
"I've been worried sick and that's the best lie you can come up with?" She asked.
"Okay, sorry! Call of the search parties!" Jim exclaimed, getting irritated as he marched up the stairs.
"I'm obviously home!" He added from upstairs.
"Mom, I--"
"Not now Skylar." She stated, going up the stairs.
I sighed, deciding to get some air.
I walked out the door, not caring if she got worried.
I could still feel eyes watching me.
I ignored it for now.
I revealed my wings and shot into the air, landing on the roof.
I lay on my back, looking up at the stars.
I heard the door open, but I didn't dare move.
"Skylar?" I heard mom ask.
I heard her steps as she walked out.
"Skylar!" She called a bit louder.
She sighed and went back inside as I sat up.
"When did our family get like this?" I asked myself, stretching out my wings.

The next day, I left for school earlier than usual, taking my board.
There was another assembly, but I rather not attend.
However I was stuck with Jim as he needed help throwing a constume together.
We entered a classroom and he started looking around.
"Ugh, the things I do for Toby. Where am I supposed to find a costume?" Jim asked.
"I could always make one." I suggested.
He raised a brow at me, but something outside caught our attention.
There was a troll, a spot in the soccerfield having been dug up.
I hummed as Jim and I exchanged a look.
He seemed to be waiting for us.
"What is that?" Jim asked.
"I don't know. Let's go find out." I replied.
He nodded and we made our way outside.
Jim stood over the part that was dug up as we looked around.
Jim walked away from it, looking for the troll.
Suddenly there was a rumbling.
A huge thing started emerging from the ground.
My wings sprouted and I landed infront of Jim, taking defense.
It suddenly went to Squash us with its giant fist and Jim and I seperated, dodging it.
Jim hid behind a tree.
"Um, hi. I know that we just met, but what are you?" Jim asked.
It then hit him, causing him to fly.
I flew over, catching him as I glared at the thing before us.
"You want to handle this thing, or should I?" I asked.
"I think I got it." He replied, making me nod.
Jim started dodging it as I looked for any weak points.
Jim then equiped his armor and I smirked, focusing on the... whatever it was.
Jim slid under it, stabbing his sword into the back, but it was still alive.
"Okay, Skylar. You can help now." He stated, dodging it once again.
I nodded, metal appearing in my hand, taking form of a sword once again.
I waited for a moment to strike.
I sliced off an arm as it grabbed Jim.
I pulled Jim out of the dirt as the arm grew back.
"Well, that was unexpected." I stated, flying out of the way as it went to attack.
Jim started dodging before running up the arm of it.
He slashed where it's heart should have been and I spotted a totem thing.
"It's a golem!" I stated.
"Tell me about it later!" He shouted.
I nodded and flew forwards, grabbing Jims arm and flying towards the golem.
When I had enough momentem, I threw Jim at the golem, his sword pointing towards it.
The golem fell and Jim grabbed the totem, breaking it.
I landed next to him, hiding my wings.
"Jim! Jim lake?" The intercom called.
"Oh no, the costume." Jim stated.
He then slipped on mud, taking me down with him.
We sighed, getting up and walking into the Gym.
Jim threw the doors open and we walked in, everyone gasping.
We walked forward, me next to Jim, me more confidently then Jim was.
"Looks like the two of you've been digging in the dirt." Steve stated.
"We were." I stated, slinging my arm over my brother's shoulders.
"What is that even supposed to be?" Steve ask.
"They... look like moles." Eli stated.
Everyone started chanting the word mole.
Jim started to say something, but I shut him up.
"Jim Lake Junior here to present his theme... Mole Mania!" Toby announced on the mic.
Everyone started cheering and our mascot started dancing.
"The people have spoken, Jim is the winner." Claire stated, taking the mic.
"Oh, apparently Claire's the queen. But, yes, Jim wins the challenge." Coach Lawrence stated.
I shrugged as Coach Lawrence rambled on.
He then stopped for a moment.
"At any rate.." He cleared his throat.
"There has been a sudden departure. I have word that princaple Levit has taken an indefinite leave of absence. We wish him well. But he sent an e-mail recommending an interim replacement, which we all support." He spoke, everyone exchanging looks of confusion.
"Please welcome Principal Strickler!" He announced.
My breath caught in my throat as he walked through the doors.
Everything drowned out as I glared at the changling.
I went to take a step forward, but Jim stopped me, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I gritted my teeth as I watched him.

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