16: Roaming Fees May Apply

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"The teeth tear and chew, grinding the food into paste before it's swallowed. Then, it travels down the wind pipe.... I mean, esophagus." Coach Lawrence went on.
Jim, Toby, and Claire started talking.
"To the guts, where the juices break it down into a bubbling nasty soup." He went on.
I raised a brow.
This guy has no idea what he's going on about.
"So after it weaves through this mess, it comes out the old..." He trailed off.
"You know... the back door." He decided.
Steve then started making jokes, making me roll my eyes.
"Hey, why don't you shut your hole, Steve?" Jim and I asked, catching our mistake immediately after.
"Oh, that's it. That's it, Jokers! The three of you, Principals office, Now!" Coach ordered.
"Especially you two with that creepy twin thing you do." He added.
Jim and I looked at eachother as we grabbed our bags and walked out with Steve.
I ignored the two as they bickered.
"Young Atlas, Young Athena. Getting into trouble again, I see." Strickler observed, walking in.
I glared at him as Jim narrowed his eyes.
"Ahem, Principal Strickler, this has been a huge misunderstanding." Steve started, trying to seem innocent.
"You have a lot of nerve showing your face around her, Strickler." Jim stated.
"I've decided I'm not done with the two of you. Your education has just begun." Strickler stated.
"Oh, good. Maybe we're slow learners." Jim stated.
"Because we can't figure out why you'd come back." I continued.
"After we dropped a bomb all over your big parade." Jim finished.
"For the record, I just want to say they're not speaking on my behalf." Steve put in.
"Shut up, Steve." We all stated.
"I'm in a position to make your lives truly miserable." Strickler stated.
"We could take you out right now." Jim stated.
"And I could do far worse. Are you ready for that?" Strickler asked.
"Give it your all." I growled.
Jim and I glared at Strickler as he glared at us, the tension getting worse.
"I'm sorry about the poop jokes! They really weren't that funny!" Steve stated, breaking.
"Detention. All of you." Strickler stated.
"Now get out of my office before I change my mind." He ordered, his eyes glowing red.
I leaned against the wall as my brother and Steve walked out.
Though Steve more ran.
I watched as he broke his pen in anger, ink getting on his cheek.
He then took notice of me once again.
"Young Athena." He stated, narrowing his eyes.
"Have you talked to my mom?" I asked, raising a brow.
His eyes widened, making me smirk.
"No? You were thinking about it though." I stated.
I chuckled before walking out the door.

After school, we were in the canal.
I had a feeling we were being watched again and I was looking around discreetly.
Suddenly Claire turned quickly, seeming paniced.
She must've felt it too.
Jim then opened the door and they walked through.
"You coming?" Toby asked.
"Maybe later." I stated, making him nod and walk through.
I stared in the direction I felt the presence.
I started walking towards it, feeling a pull.
"I know you're there." I stated, keeping my senses on alert.
"I know you're working for Strickler." I added, looking around.
"It's obvious really, unfortunate that my brother didn't piece it together." I said, moving closer.
I stopped, knowing I was standing in the light just a few feet away from the troll hiding in the darkness.
"I also know what I'm doing now is dangerous. You've been watching us or should I say you've been watching my brother, the Trollhunter?" I asked.
"It's interesting... Isn't it? A human troll hunter, the only one that could bring down Bular. You're studying him, seeing how he fights. Seeing how he reacts. Well, it's a smart plan I must admit." I stated, taking a step forward, tracing the rim of the tunnel he was in.
"But no matter how smart the plan is... it's not enough." I stated, looking directly into the eyes of the troll.
I smirked before turning and walking away.
I opened the door and walked in, having it close completely behind me.
I walked in at the same time as Toby was rambling on about going on a quest.
I leaned in the doorway, noticing something rolling on the table.
I walked over and put my hand over it, sliding it into my pocket before it could go into Jim's bag.
I walked into my room, telling Jim I was gonna pack.
I closed the door behind me grabbing my other bag filled with stuff for this.
I pulled the thing out of my pocket, lifting a brow at it.
"Once again. Smart, but not smart enough." I stated, shrugging.
I walked into Jim's room, putting the eye in a small pocket.
Mom then walked in.
"Going somewhere?" She asked.
"Um... uh, yes. Yeah!" Jim replied.
"A camping trip, Tobes, Claire, and a few others." I replied, shrugging.
"And when were you gonna ask me? What if I said no?" Mom asked, making me roll my eyes as Jim continued packing.
"We would go anyways." I replied.
"It just kinda sprung up. We were gonna leave a note." Jim stated, facing away from Mom.
"Well, you can't go." Mom stated.
"We have to." Jim stated, moving to go past mom as I moved to the doorway.
Mom grabbed his back.
"Then you're both grounded." She stated.
"Okay, well, you can ground us when we get back." Jim stated.
Mom let go of his bag and I walked out with Jim.
"Skylar... Jim." I heard mom say softly.
Jim closed the door.
"I'm sorry, Mom." Jim whispered.

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