53: Lady of the Lake

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I was leaning against the wall, waiting for Jim to wake up as Callista had a while ago.
Blinky then walked over to me, reaching for my one of my wings.
I moved it closer to me, making him send me a glare.
"I was told you were shot in the wing. I'm merely checking for damage." He stated.
I sighed, opening up to him.
He hummed as he examined it.
"I healed it after pulling the arrow out." I said softly as he stepped away.
"I see." He stated.
Jim then started moving and I tucked in my wing, walking up to him.
Blinky then walked over, checking on him.
"Blink? Oh. I just had the craziest dream." He stated, making me sigh.
"Did you, now?" Blinky asked, putting a wet cloth to his head.
"I was stuck in the past! And Steve had great hair and a goatee. Everything smelled bad, and-- and Gunmar was still alive." He stated, turning over to face him. Though Blinky was glaring at Jim.
"Gunmar the Black is very much alive." Blinky stated, as I sighed.
"Clearly, he's delusional." Blinky stated, turning to his brother who had walked in not too long ago.
"Snap out of it!" He then yelled, slapping Jim.
"Ow!" Jim said, opening his eyes.
He then sat up as Blinky hit him a few more times.
"Blinky, it's me, Jim!" Jim said, holding his hands up in front of him.
"Jim..." I sighed, trailing off.
"Blinky? For the last time, that's Blinkous Galadrigal to you, outsider." Blinky ordered.
"And my nightmare's real." Jim stated, turning to me as I nodded.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance. Forgive my brother." Dictatious said, shaking out hands.
"Your traveling companion was a little more hostile upon waking up." He explained as we turned to Callista.
"I startle easy. That's on you." She stated in defense.
"Of course you're here. Whenever there's calamity, there's Callista." Blinky stated.
"Wow, he was a real jerk back now." I whispered to Jim.
Blinky then opened the curtain and we looked out.
"Whoa. Where am I?" Jim asked as I looked around the area.
"Dwoza, safe haven for Trollkind." Dictatious stated.
"You mean some of Trollkind." Callista corrected.
"How do you feel? Can you walk?" Dictatious asked.
"We did our best to heal your wounds." He added as she tried walking.
"I think so?" Jim said in a questioning manner.
"Superb! Then you'll be able to leave." Blinky exclaimed.
"Hey, hey, watch it!" Callista ordered as Blinky started dragging her out.
"You have plenty more eyes to punch." She stated as Blinky grabbed onto Jim and I started following them.
"Unfortunately, you outsiders have a habit of making things, um... not safe." Dictatious stated, making me scoff.
"Which means we've no room for troublemakers here!" Blinky stated, throwing Jim and Callista out.
He went to grab me, but I dodged his hands and walked out, folding my wings delicately.
"What happened to 'safe haven'?" Jim asked, but got no answer as Blinky and Dictatious started hearding us out.
"Total jerk." I stated, making Jim agree with me.
"I like future Blinky better." I whispered, making him chuckle.
I hummed as Jim tried reasoning with them, me looking around the area.
"Why do you keep pretending we know eachother? Blinkous, do you recognize this youngling?" Dictatious asked.
"Whoa, what's all this?" Callista asked, seeing the trolls gathering supplies.
"Preparations for the end times." Dictatious replied.
"Once we've gathered enough supplies we will bravely and heroically hide underground until this dreadful conflict blows over." Blinky stated.
"Yeah, that sounds like something you'd do." I said as Jim looked at them weirdly.
Callista grabbed a sock, but Blinky snatched it away.
"And you're not invited!" Blinky stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"My feelings... oh my poor feelings." I replied sarcastically.
"Wait, you're not going to fight?" Jim asked before adding, "But you have to! There's a war coming and you're in it!"
"Who are you to tell Blinkous Galadrigal when to skirmish?" Blinky asked.
"Are you seriously talking in third person now?" I asked, raising a brow.
"You're a master strategist, the smartest troll I know!" Jim replied to Blinky, making me sigh.
"Ha! Books are my brother's specialty." Blinky stated.
"No, listen! Gunmars going to attack Killahead. You're supposed to help the humans fight!" Jim said.
I sighed.
"Jim, stop revealing the future. You'll mess up the timeline more so than it is now." I sighed out with an eaxasperated breath so no one else would understand.
Dictatious chuckled, hearding Jim out as Callista and I followed.
"I didn't realize he's a court jester, too." He stated.
"But it's history! It has to happen! That's what makes it history!" Jim pushed, making me want to jump off a bridge.
"Where are you going?" A troll asked.
"Oh, we won't be long. Just need to dispose of the rubbish." Blinky replied.
"Okay, that one actually hurt." I stated, turning to Blinky and raising my fist.
Jim grabbed it as I growled.
I sighed, dropping my fist after I looked to Jim.
We walked further as Jim kept trying to convince them.
"I've seen outhouses that were better!" Callista stated, making me chuckle before I felt a presence.
I frowned, moving my wings as I looked around, staying on alert.
Just then I heard Arrrgh's familiar roar as he jumped on a rock.
"Oh, hey, Arrrgh." I greeted out of habit before face-palming.
Dictatious and Blinky then ran towards the gates, them closing before they could get in.
Arrrgh then broke through the wall and Jim and I exchanged a look.

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